Shoutouts part deux
Brian is hooked on YouTube and (sadly) the Carpenters.
Dear Lady Cooper talks about whether the Better Business Bureau is "gangsta" as well as bizarro search terms. Word.
Miss New Orleans talks about the connections between Lebanon, Anthony Bourdain, and the Ramones (although at the rate they're passing, they should be "the Ramone").
Marti talks about "hoof in mouth" disease and what to do with your nuts.
Follow That Star (in addition to his EXCELLENT taste in blogs) talks about his night of debauchery.
Carlos takes a bite out of crime (and I do admire his taste in firearms).
Greg talks about stupidity in advertising and gives me incentive to lose weight.
Groovygrrl is the recipient of the positive benefits of networking, and go to her soap site, dammit! She's got some good stuff there.
Petey baby has a picture of my mother-in-law on his site, and also discusses bumper stickers and gender differences.
Also Canadian - between world politics and a beaver dressed up like Obi-Wan Kenobi, what more could you want? Seriously, though, check out the entry on various tombs of unknown soldiers.
Inconsequentially Pink has been quite busy, but she does have a killer list of literary choices. Check her (and her archives out)!
Izzati (new addition to the list) is working hard to maintain a positive attitude. Check her out - she really has a lot of talent.
Lightning Bug's Butt commits random acts of blogness...with surprising results.
LGF is returning to the working world - with mixed emotions.
Merujo is adjusting to changes in her vision and promises more about her trip to my motherland.
Steph1977 talks about her recent experience at a Fiona Apple/Damien Rice concert, with PICTURES! Also, she has a new template that looks good.
Michelle (another new friend) talks about the joys of cross-country moving.
EllaMichelle discusses the "joys" of retail.
Hoss gives tips on how to know if you're a Republican. (BTW, I'm not...thank GOD!)
Dorothy Hates Bambi - film at 11.
Mr. Fabulous entertains (as usual) with life on the open road in the South. Don't know if I needed the roadkill details but you never know when it might come in handy.
Pointmeister tells a story that's got me intrigued - and you will be too.
Edward H. reviews "A Scanner Darkly".
Poop and Boogies reminds us of an important parenting principle.
Rocky Road Scholar makes up for his delinquency...thank goodness! I was beginning to think he'd drowned in one of the 1,000 lakes in Minnesota. BTW, start with this link and work your way up for the whole story.
Scared Bunny despises drama - here's why.
Kiki talks about her journey through the peaks and valleys of weight loss.
Shiny Objects talks about Pandora - and not the box she opened.
Samantha B. gives us another Moron of the Week. Wonder who it could be?
Monty keeps on getting pledges for the Blogathon, and she's singing away!
The Hypocritical Observer discusses the importance of name tags to our existence.
Helen the Felon knows where to buy fresh blood...but did she really WANT to know?
Jules is going on vacation - but peruse her archives in the interim!
Ivy talks about childbirth stories and other things after a short absence. Welcome back!
I'm attaching the general link to Tish's website, because there's two posts in a row that relate to each other. You won't thoroughly enjoy one without the other.
We Three Bitches encounter LOTSA DRAMA.