Sunday, July 16, 2006

quick Sunday note

***To FTS...I'm finally Blog of the Week! To quote Sally Field (or mangle her quote, I must say), "He LIKES ME! He really likes me!" (Well, I was a bit relentless in my pursuit as well, so OK...)

***To the new friends in blogland I've made in the past few weeks.

***To my stalwart friends, who've been there for me in blogland as well as in the outside world.

***To Hollyweird, which never ceases to inspire me.

***To Pointmeister (check my sidebar to see his site) for giving me the courage to shamelessly promote myself.

***To my family and friends, who help me think of things to write (either consciously or subconsciously).

***To D, who is met with "Just five more minutes" whenever he needs the computer. He also is patient with me when I babble about something/someone he knows nothing about.

If there's anyone I left out, please feel free to let me know. I am too broke to send you flowers, but I will send you my good wishes.
