Saturday swifties, and a new edition of blogdating especially for Sir Paul McCartney.
Family, Friend Tie Congressman to Consultant
(So S&M IS allowed in the federal government? Who knew?)
Studio head calls Lohan 'unprofessional'
(Is that the new euphemism for 'drunken skanky hobag'?)Mel Gibson arrested on suspicion of DUI
(apparently his dramatic skills have waned so much that he can't ACT drunk anymore?)
Will Guyana be ready for cricket cup?
(I didn't think they made cups that small...where's my "bu-duh-bump" and cymbal crash, dammit?)
Well, it's Saturday, and I'm trying to beat the heat (isn't everyone these days?)
I notified the Blogathon "powers that be" that I can't participate this year due to health issues, and it's mainly because if I stay up 24 hours, it'll throw my BP out of whack. Sorry - I'll try to plan better for next year.
Anyway, what else can I share with you? Well, for one, I have decided to help Paul McCartney get over his second marriage to Le Bimbette. How?
By finding someone more age Bardot, for example.
(By the way, when did Chanel start manufacturing spackle? Har, har, just kidding - I'm sure she still looks beautful from a distance in dim light if she's not wearing her makeup. But up close, she scares the crap out of that much eyeliner even legal?)
Here's another possible match for Paul (excuse me...SIR PAUL) about Grace Jones?
Grace likes long walks on the beach, body painting, and being on top. Double plus bonus? He may never have to hire another bodyguard again - unless he pisses Grace off, in which case he'll have to hire one to fend HER off. Come on Paul! Be a slave to the rhythm!
Well, folks, my computer is slowing me down a bit, so I will just say "farewell to thee" and come back later. Bye!