Mickey Spillane, Nelson Mandela, awards and other chaos.
"The truth is, if we were gay, we would tell you, because there's nothing wrong with being gay," King, who is an editor of O magazine, added. "People think I'd be so ashamed of being gay that I wouldn't admit it?" Winfrey asked. "Oh, please." "I am not in the closet. I am not coming out of the closet. I am not gay," Winfrey said at the time. Apparently, nothing's changed. But what’s wrong with saying, “No, I’m not” and leaving it at that? In spite of what you read, one of my English teachers in high school stressed being concise in your statements. Obviously, Gayle King and Oprah Winfrey didn’t have my English teacher. King wrote a long magazine article about whether or not she and Oprah are partners. I believe them, truthfully, but I can honestly see why others would go, “Yeah, right.” It’s all in the presentation. So anyway, since Oprah and Gayle are best friends, they can share the Gray Gertrude. Don’t worry – there will be more recipients to come, I’m sure. Let me give you a rundown of today’s lucky gent. Name: Wendell Woodroffe Results of his behavior: more than 40 people fell ill at a Baptist church in Darien, CT after drinking the tainted lemonade. To quote the article: Five people were treated at hospitals for nausea and vomiting. People who drank the juice reported a burning sensation in their throats. Charges filed: 22 counts of assault plus 22 counts of assault on a victim 60 or older. Oh yeah, and CVS fired him. (Although judging from the past service I've received at CVS, I'd have to say this managerial decision surprises me.) Way to go, man - you made over 40 Baptists puke and you've broken your mother's heart. This "Butt" is definitely for you!
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, but hopefully things will start to slow down. With the heat index rising like it is, something should slow down and SOON!!!
Anyway, some sad news for mystery lovers today. Yes, Mickey Spillane died at the ripe old age of 88. When I read his obit online today, I saw two interesting facts I thought I’d share (courtesy of the article, which you can read in full here.)
1. He had always liked police stories. An uncle was a cop and in his pre-Hammer days he created a comic book detective named Mike Danger. At the time, the early 1940s, he was writing for Batman, SubMariner and other comics.
2. The writer, who became a Jehovah's Witness in 1951 and helped build the group's Kingdom Hall in Murrells Inlet, spent his time boating and fishing when he wasn't writing. In the 1950s, he also worked as a circus performer, allowing himself to be shot out of a cannon and appearing in the circus film "Ring of Fear."
I think #2 surprised me more than #1 did, but both were interesting to learn. At any rate, farewell to Mickey Spillane.Secondly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NELSON MANDELA!!!
That lucky son of a gun received a shipment of rum and cigars from Cuban President Fidel Castro. All I have to say is this: Hey, Uncle Fidel...remember me? Your Irish/English/Scottish/German/Dutch niece? Could I have some rum too? Come on, have a heart!
To read/see more about Nelson Mandela, go here.
In the “This Scares Me” department, the Washington Post has compiled some rather scary information about the state of mental health care in Fairfax County, VA. To quote the article:
More than 83 percent of the 11,000 Fairfax residents who received mental health care in 2005 have household incomes below $25,000 a year. Most are either uninsured or underinsured.
This really does scare me…between being a patient and being a person, I’m scared on two levels.
I’ve been out of work with no insurance or inadequate insurance. There’s been time I could get financial help, but there have been times when I’ve just had to grit my teeth and do without. However, even with insurance, it can be difficult. It’s like health insurance is just now realizing that they should cover it, but they don’t like to and will try to find a loophole every chance they get. Some doctors are no help either – especially ones who don’t process insurance themselves and instead make YOU do it. That’s a crock, especially when their fees are $100/hr and they see you for fifteen minutes. Then again, I’m not a doctor so I’m sure my views are totally one-sided.
But that percentage is staggering, especially in this country. Eighty-three percent? No wonder there’s a wait list. The maze of insurance for mental health patients can be difficult enough, but when you don’t have it, you are between the proverbial rock and hard place.
It’s a hamster wheel for sure – you need the meds, but to get the meds you have to go to the doctor.
To get to the doctor, you have to get on the waiting list. If you’re in the twilight region of being underinsured or just flat out uninsured, you’re already anxious, so that doesn’t help your state of mind.
In addition to visiting the doctor initially, you have to touch base with him/her on a regular basis to check your med levels. More waiting lists.
In many cases, meds have to be continued for an indefinite length of time – requiring regular refills, and monthly expenses – and if you can figure out Medicare for that, let me know. I’m not thrilled about that aspect of getting older, I’ll tell you that.
OK…enough of my griping. I’ve got another award winner today – and I created a new award just for them. Yup – that’s how important they are. So may I present to you the GRAY GERTRUDE award!
The criteria for this award? It’s just like the quote says – “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much”. Simply put, it means that this award goes to someone who over-emphasizes that they either do something, don’t do something, or do/don’t do something anymore and it turns out the opposite is true. (Confused yet? Me too…) Anyway, the first recipients of the “Gray Gertrude” from Rancho Sudiegirl, Inc. are:
Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King!
Yep, they went to the press to vehemently deny that they’re gay. However, they pulled a “Seinfeld”…here are quotes from the article, which can be read here:
The platonic pals said they have been friends for more than 30 years and still talk to each other on the phone "three or four times a day." They have seen each other through failed relationships, diets, career highs and lows and much more, but in the end, they say they're still "more or less the same people."
OK…I’m tolerant. Really. I am. I don’t care if they sleep with guinea pigs or Republicans.
Finally, one more award – and it’s another inductee for the “International League of Buttheads”.
Reason for induction: Spiking grape juice with dishwashing liquid after learning he was passed over for a promotion at CVS.
Double Plus Bonus: he broke his mother's heart! To quote the article:
"I'm dying inside," Hylton said, tears running down her face. "I feel like somebody put a spear in me."
On that happy note, I’ve gotta go, but there is more fun in store. Stay tuned!