Wednesday weirdness yet again, and HSUS takes on
Tabloid retracts Britney Spears Stories
(Gee - the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are definitely on the way.)
FDA approves implantable contraceptive
(Well...uh...aren't all contraceptives implanted in one way or another? I'm just sayin'...)Pamela Anderson, Kid Rock to tie the knot
(Their registries include Fredericks of Hollywood and Bed, Bath & Beyond. The bride and groom will exchange matching nipple rings, and Slipknot will provide the music for the reception, to be held at the local Hooters. PS: they only hired Slipknot because Andy Williams was booked solid.)
Well, pals ‘n’ gals, I’m not going ga-ga over “hump day” either. Even if it is equidistant from Monday and Friday, I still am not going to get all psyched about it. It’s just a damn day. However, maybe I should because I can watch that “Nightmares and Dreamscapes” thing on TNT tonight…I missed the premiere.
Anyway – only one department covered today…in the "Another example of cocks getting you in trouble" department, and the Humane Society of the United States are crossing swords (or should I say poultry skewers?).
It turns out that sells magazines about – hold on to your feathers, boys – COCKFIGHTING. The article states that HSUS cited The Animal Welfare Act, which says it is unlawful to use the "mail service or the U.S. Postal Service" to promote "an animal-fighting venture except as performed outside the States of the United States."
I realize that animals fight enough in nature (I watch Animal Planet, thank you). However, this whole “cockfighting” (as well as dog fights) is really stupid.
For those of you unfamiliar with the sport – it entails putting two roosters in a makeshift fighting ring. Many times the roosters wear accessories that help them do more damage, like metal spurs with razor-sharp edges. In addition, they are usually hopped up on steroids and/or stimulants of a sort so they have the energy and stamina for fighting others of their own species.
So we have animals in ridiculous clothing and accessories fighting others of their own kind.
Kind of like hockey, huh?
But seriously, it does gross me out. Is it really necessary to do this? NO. Whether it’s dogs, birds, leeches – it’s a dumb idea.
You may say, “But Sudiegirl – what about sports like boxing, football, wrestling? Those can be very violent too!”
Don’t get me wrong – I’m a Scorsese fan. I’ve done my time with horror movies. I’m not a sports fan so much in that I play sports – I just watch them. Anyway, with sports like the ones listed above, we’re humans and we make a CHOICE to participate. Same with movies. They have ratings on them for a reason, and you CHOOSE to watch/not watch them. The participants have made the choice to work on this film, knowing the risk.
However, animals don’t have that luxury. They’re doped up to the gills, have stupid accoutrements put on them, and then they fight until the other one is DEAD. It’s a waste of money and animals. In the case of pit bulls, it gives them a bad name when actually, they can be quite loving and sweet. I don’t like it when people pick on pit bulls, you know.
In closing, HURRAH to the Humane Society of the United States for taking a stand on this issue!
OK – off the soapbox…I’ll be back later.
(Righter of wrongs, eater of Chubby Hubby Ice Cream)