Friday, June 30, 2006

More hilarious t-shirts

Remember back in November when I found some REALLY funny t-shirts? I found more of them. Here ya go, peoples...

This one's one of my favorites...GOTTA have more cowbell. I think when I retire I'm going to play cowbell with a bar band. That'd be productive, don't you think? Then people would WANT me to play louder!

The assessment here seems to be harsh - I mean, after all, where does experience come from in the first place?

As a musician, I heartily endorse the accurate portrayal of Mr. Beethoven; however, the drawing fails to document the crazed look in Ludwig's eyes stemming from syphilis. Oh well...can't have everything.

Something tells me ol' Screech wishes this slogan was true. Maybe if it was, he wouldn 't have to sell t-shirts from a website to pay for his house.

Sorry folks - you know me - I gotta share!

Enjoy...and remember...MORE COWBELL!!!
