Monday, July 03, 2006

Shoutouts galore!!!

If you’re like me, sometimes you forget to “pay it forward”. You know what I mean?

With that in mind, on this Independence Day eve (here in the US), I am going to put together my own list of shout-outs. I’ll try to do this on a regular basis for the simple fact that it’s just a nice thing to do for people out in blogland.

So let’s boogie…

1. Dear Lady Cooper teaches a short but comprehensive
Sex 101 course.

2. Brian, the Principal I Wish I Had, discusses the
concepts of “justice” and “logic”. Can they peacefully coexist? Here’s what he has to say about it.

3. Miss New Orleans now believes in

4. Meanwhile, Marti at Enter the Laughter
knows her colors and also giggles at her children’s exploits.

5. FTS
just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich.

6. Carlos
discusses fertility treatments for acquaintances of his in a same-sex relationship.

7. Greg shows his patriotism.

8. Groovygrrl
copes with her daughter’s “ouches” and continues to make soap.

9. Petey Baby tells
stories of turtles and spurned lovers.

10. AlsoCanadian reminds us of
Canada Day.

11. Inconsequentially Pink (a fellow Iowegian) deals with
employment ambiguity.

12. Lightning Bug’s Butt gives us a few

13. Little Green Friend discusses the concept of
“chapel disruption”.

Happy 8th wedding anniversary to Steph1977.

15. Ella Michelle discusses Jayne Mansfield, devil worship through pop and metal music, as well as Pokemon. (Don’t tell ME she’s not well-rounded.)

16. Hoss…well…
he just shares wisdom in his own unique way. ‘Nuff said.

17. Over The Hill Chick
gives props to another blogger – I guess the gifts just keep on giving, don’t they?

18. Mr. Fabulous has
incense, contest winners and mold.

19. Pointmeister
has decided to start his own book club. Oprah better watch out!

20. Ed H. marks
Mel Brooks’ birthday with a song.

21. Poop and Boogies
discusses the logic of laundry and the physics of socks.

22. Rocky Road Scholar lets us know that
Alice, ND has given the keys of their city to another famous Alice.

23. Scared Bunny is
OK with being boring, and also deals with an unexpected promotion.

24. She Just Walks Around With It contemplates
who gets the last laugh in her new relationship.

25. Shiny Objects…topics include
political correctness, a recent hospital stay, and fun with digital cameras.

26. What’s up in Alaska?
Find out here!

27. Samantha Burns wants to know
if you know your morons.

Monty’s on vacation – oops – I need to write a post for her ASAP. Zoinks!

29. JB Cougar confronts us with
something we’re all guilty of.

30. Jules is
healthy but broke.

31. Helen tells us
she’s going on vacation too and to hide the Xanax. Done and done.

32. Tish
has sighted Bigfoot and also discusses t-ball umpiring.

33. We Three Bitches discuss the age old question:
Dominoes or Pizza Hut?

34. Merujo takes a trip through some of my old stomping grounds back home in Iowegia.

So there you have it. Please peruse these blogs, and tell ‘em Sudiegirl sent you (or don’t). The point is – JUST DO IT!

Smooches, and happy 4th of July a day early!