Thursday, June 29, 2006

I've got sunshine, rainbows and vitriol everywhere...whoo hoo, happy Thursday

I saw this little gem on the 'net today. While I work hard to be positive in this world, I think there can be such a thing as TOO MUCH POSITIVITY. You know what I mean? There has to be an equal balance of sarcasm and sunshine. Read below to see what I mean.

Is your life a daily response to random events with no common theme OR are you part of a beautifully constructed plot?

Sometimes we all get too closely connected to the day-to-day bump and grind of life.
It's so important to occasionally step back, gain perspective, and dive into the mystery.
Here are some techniques and ideas to inspire the plunge:

OK - I'll give 'em that much. But you know what?

There is more than one way to plunge.

You can dive in gently, like a lone, early-morning swimmer enjoying the first chill of the morning as the sun rises over the horizon and the morning birds sing their sweet songs.


You can cannonball and splash all surrounding sunbathers and old ladies who are reading the final chapter of their Harlequin romances. They will curse your very existence, but you're laughing all the way back to the locker room.

I prefer to cannonball. For's the first one.

1. Recognize that whether by master stroke or pure chance, there is great intelligence in the universe.
Fact: A single human cell measuring 1/1,000 of an inch across contains instructions within its DNA that would fill 1,000 books of 600 pages each (Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now)

Can't deny that, can you? Of course not, because it's SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!

However, consider this: if there is great intelligence, there is also great stupidity. Can't have yin without yang.

Examples? Oh sure!

There's the yutz you're standing behind at the bank who is depositing $100 in pennies and has forgotten his account number and all forms of ID except for the fact that he wrote his name in his underwear. (HIS mama must be proud.)

There's the woman on the phone who's called YOU at WORK to schedule something, and none of the times you have available work for her because, quote, "you know, I work". I've ranted about this before in this beautiful tome, but it's still relevant. In other words, I want to say, "Ya know, you bimbo, I work too! YOU CALLED ME AT WORK! Whatever you're inhaling right now is entirely too strong. Better cut back."

There's the parents that take their child to an R-rated movie.
Their child asks questions throughout the movie - "Mommy, why are they naked? Daddy, why did they shoot each other in the face? Mommy, how come Robert DeNiro can say the "F" word and I can't?" Makes you want to shove the $5.00 glass of Diet Coke you bought in the child's mouth and then set fire to the parents. (Ooh...that's a little dark even for me. Sorry folks.)

Finally, there's the scrawny, pasty goth-ish teenager working at Barnes & Noble's audio/video section who doesn't really give a tinker's damn about customer service. In fact, they don't know where anything is except (SURPRISE) Korn's latest album. Great. Just what I need...thanks, Skippy.

2. Minimize resistance.
“Nothing on earth can overcome an absolutely non-resistant person.” – Florence Shinn

If that's true, why are there so many cemeteries?

3. Spend time in nature.
“Genius learns from nature.”- Oscar Wilde

Actually, I don't have much of a problem with this. However, what about the person who doesn’t learn from nature? Aren't there some things that should come naturally as opposed to trial and error? You know, like: "Note to self: Do not feed Oreos to the bears at Yellowstone National Park. They are bigger than you and consider you an appetizer." I mean, we wouldn't have weird news items if people didn't do stupid things with wild animals. I live for stuff like that!

4. Be patient with your struggles and challenges.
“Infinite patience yields immediate results.” –Wayne Dyer

Well, other things yield immediate results too...
**washing your car brings on a rainstorm

**a Saturday night of debauchery concluding with at least one other person in your bed immediately results in an early Sunday morning call from your mother asking if you're going to church

**one scoop of ice cream means your favorite jeans won't fit

**leaving the garbage open one night results in your cat puking RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BEDROOM DOOR because her tummy can't tolerate two slices of cheese pizza...the list goes on.

4. Free the mind from daily routines.
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free the mind.” –Bob Marley

Keep in mind, folks, that Bob Marley smoked wacky weed. So technically, none but ourselves and the nice drug dealer down the street can free the mind. I can't comment on the right and wrong of just IS.

Actually, other things free the mind as well - Chubby Hubby ice cream, pizza, beer, trashy celebrity biographies, and other things not listed here.
However, sometimes "freeing the mind" can be confused with "boring". Know the difference.

5. Smile…everything is evolving just as it should.
“Sometimes joy is the source of your smile but sometimes a smile is the source of your joy.” –Thich Nhat Han
And sometmes Joy is a dishwashing liquid that makes dishes so clean you can see yourself. :-)

In closing, try to be happy without being a simp. If you keep a careful eye on the world, you're liable to laugh your ass off, and THAT will make you feel better.

(who delights in the foibles of others)