Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Entry...yeah, yeah, I know...

Well, me hearties...another year has come and is almost gone. I wanted to sincerely wish everyone a Merry WHATEVER. Whether you're Christian, Jewish, or otherwise classified, everyone celebrates something this time of year so more power to ya.

We here at Rancho Sudiegirl (consisting of me, myself, I, and my two cats) have had lots of good and bad things happen, but through it all, this forum has been most supportive. I've made some good friends, and can get a lot off my chest around here.

To Jules, thank you for the swing set, but I get motion sickness. You'll have to take it back to Sears and get me something I'll USE. You're a sweetie though...smooches to ya.

To Ivy, I hope 2006 is a lot brighter for you, and us blog chicks will have to get together for a 'rita fest and bring along some Barbie and Ken dolls to abuse.

To Peter, well...I will just resolve to ignore you when you make me mad. Fortunately, that's not often.

To Spongie: I resolve to read your blog every day, and learn more Yiddish and Hebrew.

To Monty: Let me know when your daughter starts selling Girl Scout Cookies and I'll send you some $ for them.

To Monkey: GLAD YOU'RE BACK IN THE LAND OF THE were sorely missed in this blogworld of ours.

To Drunk Bunny, Ella Michelle, Carlos, and all the other friends I have made in Blogworld this past year: Thanks for reading, and for inspiring me to write more that others may read. You have no idea how much it's helped me knowing you (as well as the miscreants listed above) have come by to visit me.

To EVERYONE: Have a wonderful holiday season, and don't abuse too many Barbie dolls. You might start enjoying it...

Love y'all,