Thursday, December 22, 2005

And now, from the "Sweets to the Sweet" files and Yahoo! News

(chemical symbol for lead from

Sudiegirl sez: OK, I didn't realize this was a PROBLEM! My God...I gave up paint for candy as a child. How foolish was THAT? And does Willy Wonka have something to worry about?

FDA Moves to Decrease Lead in Candy
2 hours, 44 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The FDA proposed Thursday a stricter recommended limit on the amount of lead, a highly toxic metal, allowable in certain types of children's candy. (You know, in a related story, when I played Trivial Pursuit with my sister and a friend of hers, the friend got a question regarding how many parts per million of maggots are contained in orange juice. NO LIE! And the answer was that there was a little bit in there. EEEEWWWWW!)

Food and Drug Administration now recommends that candies eaten by small children not contain more than one-tenth of a part per million lead. That amount of lead does not pose a significant risk to small children, the agency said. (Well, can we dip the candies in liquid thorazine? I know a couple of kids that could use it...)

"This new guidance level will further reduce an already minimal risk from lead exposure in candy," said Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach. (Why am I so tempted to say, "Ah, a little lead won't hurt ya! Puts hair on your chest! Why, look at the Roman Empire as a shining example of lead not hurting anyone...wait, never mind.")

Most domestic and imported candies already meet the stricter lead threshold. However, the FDA moved to lower the limit from an earlier half a part per million after the sampling of imported candy from Mexico and after information from other sources revealed additional ingredients used in some sweets can boost the lead content beyond allowable levels. Those ingredients include chili powder and some salts. ( what does that mean if chili powder and certain salts are used in other things? Like, say, CHILI!?)

Lead poisoning is linked to behavioral problems and learning disabilities and can even cause seizures or death. Children age 6 and younger are most at risk of lead poisoning as their bodies are growing quickly. (Is it just me, or is the fact that lead is even mentioned enough to creep you out?)

Sudiegirl's final comment?
Heavy, man.
(Oh come on! You know I had to say it.)