Wednesday, November 30, 2005

And now, from the "Well, THIS is an interesting theory" department and Yahoo! News...

Sudiegirl sez: OK...I've heard many people use the term "creative" interchangeably with the term "weird" or "eccentric". But THIS is certainly new...and I'm not commenting on whether or not I've experienced this because I'm sure my experiences pale in comparison to others. Wonder if Painter Smurf went through the same things? Only Peyo (and Vanity Smurf) know for sure.

Read on...and I'll do my thing...

Creativity linked to sexual success
By Patricia Reaney

Wed Nov 30,12:29 AM ET

Pablo Picasso, Lord Byron and Dylan Thomas had more in common than simple creativity. They also had active sex lives, which researchers said on Wednesday was no coincidence. (Well, DUH! Eddie Murphy did a whole routine on it when he was discussing how all a man had to do to get women was be able to sing. It's as old as the hills, and it works the other way too...I've had men pay a bit more attention to me after I sing. Of course, it's hard not to when I'm draped across their lap with a beer in my hand.)

Psychologists at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the Open University found that professional artists and poets have about twice as many partners as other people. (Note to self - take back all those "Plumbers Make Better Lovers" t-shirts - they will not be hot buys.)

Their creativity seems to act like a sexual magnet. (You know what I think it is? I think it's their open-ness. Whether it's real or a "pose", the ability to let others see your soul - be it through your art, music, comedy, or writing - it's a very powerful aphrodisiac for a woman.)

But Dr Daniel Nettle, a psychologist at Newcastle University's School of Biology, said it is a double-edge sword. (As is everything that people enjoy a lot of.)

"Poets and artists have more sexual partners but they also have high rates of depression," he told Reuters. (Not to mention mania, various STDs, addictions, and lousy bio-pics.)

Nettle and his colleague Helen Clegg questioned 425 British men and women, including professional artists, poets and schizophrenic patients, about their creative activity, sexual encounters and mental health characteristics. (Interesitng how they just threw schizophrenic patients into the mix...are they the control group?)

Although creative people have long been associated with active sex lives, the researchers believe their study is the first to back it up with research. (I think that should be qualified as "authorized" research, as opposed to "free-lance, what one does on a Saturday night when nothing's on TV but reruns" kind of research.)

They found that professional artists and poets had between 4 and 10 sexual partners, while less creative people had an average of three. (OK, need some more qualification here...are we talking having this amount of partners at one time, throughout their entire lives, or what? Because I've been on the lower end of the "creative" comparison but I think NFL players seem to get more than I do.)

"We found it in both the men and women which was quite a surprise to us," said Nettle, who reported the finding in the journal "The Proceedings of the Royal Society (B)." (Well, it's good that both sexes were represented in the study.'ll get your Nat'l Organization for Women bumper stickers on the way out.)

The study also showed that the average number of sexual partners increased as creative output went up. What the artists produce draws attention to them, which seems to enhance their sexual allure. (There's a simpler term for that...GROUPIE! Read the book I'm With The Band by Pamela Des Barres, the "queen of the groupies". Be one with the concept.)

"It could be that very creative types lead a bohemian lifestyle and tend to act more on sexual impulses and opportunities, often purely for experience's sake, than the average person would," said Nettle. (I can't believe they had to conduct a study on this. It's a universal truth!)

The active sex lives of artists is often tolerated, even by long-term partners who are less likely to expect loyalty and fidelity from them, according to the researchers. (At least, until the divorce lawyers step in and the words "community property" are mentioned. Then all hell breaks loose.)

Picasso, Byron and Thomas were famous for their art and their attraction to women. (Picasso was also - supposedly - autistic. So was Mozart, at least according to modern psychologists. But then again, how do you explain Wilt Chamberlain?)

"They illustrate some of the phenomena quite well -- lots of acclaim and lots of women," said Nettle. (Also painful burning and itching, right?)

Sudiegirl's final word?

Gee...I guess I'm falling behind according to this study. I'd better catch up...heck, maybe I'll lose some weight in the process!

Sudiegirl the "creative" (new euphemism for "horny", perhaps?)