My thoughts on gossip, as well as a list of real people I like and admire...

I had a nice visit with my cousin Kristie last night, and we got on the subject of gossip. Basically, her mother (also my cousin) told her to be careful of what she told me in our phone conversations because I would put it in my blog.
Well, ya know...this brings me to the general subject of gossip.
First of all, gossip is as gossip does. I mean, I have a lot of readers that come from a lot of different places. Are they really going to care about who slept with who in Columbus Junction on a Saturday night? More than likely, not.
Also, I think at this point I have enough discretion in my soul and heart that if it's something that will TRULY ruin a person's life if I speak out about it, I'm certainly not dumb enough to write all about it in my blog because people I know from home DO read it. They may not comment on it, but they read it.
If Kristie had told me something horrible and deeply painful, it wouldn't be in here. Period. It's one thing for me to talk about the crap I've gone through, and another thing to air someone else's, ESPECIALLY without their permission. Lord knows I've had things said about me in my 36 years, especially by people I was supposed to "trust" and know that what I said to them was "confidential". I mean, come on!
Example: My own grandfather (my mother's father) told everyone on his side of the family that I had joined a nudist colony and that's why my first husband left me. I didn't know he had told people this until my Great Aunt Verla (his sister) died, and her sons came up to me at the funeral to ask me about the whole nudist colony thing. That whole faction of my family knew about this, and nobody told ME! My own grandfather said this, never thought for a minute that it might be against my personal grain, and it spread through the family. I don't know who believed it and who didn't to this day, but I know that it hurt.
Another example: When my first husband left me, I spoke to someone in my family "in confidence" about my indiscretions. (Oddly enough, it was the same person who made the aforementioned complaint.) Suddenly, I had "a boyfriend" already and my uncle called my father to find out if it was true and what the hell was he going to do about it? I got my ass chewed on that one, and I was an adult who supposedly knew what they were doing and went to someone that I thought could be trusted. I learned after that who I could and could not trust. It's sad when your own family spreads gossip about you, but it just goes to show that even within blood you still have to use discretion.
The few things I've said about family are, in my opinion, harmless. If anyone truly has a problem with what I say in here, they know they can tell me, and I'll remove it. That's why you won't find the Akiva Abraham story I commented on in this blog anymore, because I offended a colleague of his, and I thought long and hard about it, then removed the offensive entry. All it takes is talking to me directly...that's it in a nutshell.
So as they say on "Hee-Haw", "Oh you'll never hear one of us repeating gossip, so you'd better be sure and listen close the first time." Hahahahaah...
***UPDATE on this I mentioned, if something in here was offensive, I advised that I would edit/remove said items. I have, and that's the end of the subject. However, it would me more useful to me if the offended parties in question (as opposed to people you take it out on) would contact me directly. I have a comment area on each entry, and it's there for a reason. USE it. Thank you.
OK, so now let's get on with Happy Stuff!
This will be a short list because I'll have to leave for church soon, but here's a partial list of people I like and admire and why! I feel that I have to do this from time to time to counteract the snottiness. So here we go, let's get happy!
****My sister, Ruth Ann (Dawson) Craig. I like and admire her because she's smart, funny, she's a good cook, an awesome mother and friend, and she always tries her hardest at everything she does. Plus, she didn't get mad when I appropriated her "Songs in the Key of Life" LP when I was a freshman in high school.
****My friends from home: Brenda, Ranee, Tori Steinberg, Linda, Sue W., Wendy G., Denise H., Teresa B., and many more - they are all funny, smart and talented women. I think the world of them, and miss them a lot. Even if they don't get an e-mail or a card from me once in a while, I still love them all very mucho grande.
****Teachers from my past that I respect and like even if I haven't kept track of them well: Mike Jewell (choral director, vocal coach), Peter Weller (history teacher), Barbara Kessell (6th grade teacher), Barb Horak (language/speech & drama teacher), Gary McCurdy (HS band director, aka "The Tubador"), Scott Boal (jr. high band director) Kathy Patrick (junior high choral director), Fred Metcalf (grade school art teacher), Sherry Strong (professor at UI), Paula Boire (voice teacher at UI), Mrs. Moenck and Mrs. Gallagher (5th grade teachers), Fred Stark (elementary band director), and Ruth Shields (elementary music teacher)...These people were exemplary teachers, and truly a credit to their profession. If they were tough on me, it was because they felt I had potential and didn't want me to waste it. If you're not on my list, it's because of my own personal reasons and more than likely, you'll know why without prompting.
****The pastors at our new church, St. Nicholas Episcopal: Pastor Ken Howard and Assistant Pastor Alison Quin. They have shown me that you can love God, be creative and have a sense of humor.
****Paul Faureso. He is an extraordinary musician, composer, and guy. I had the good fortune to work with him in an original musical called "Pan the Avenger in Cybernation", which he wrote the score and songs for. He was amazing to work with, and his family members share his same spirit and zest for living. I think he's touring with the Beach Boys now, and I just wanted to give him a shout out.
OK, enough for now...gotta get ready for church!
Hugs to all on a Sunday,