Kermie's nifty at 50! (and other thoughts...)
Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I love all things MUPPET related. I was a big fan of "Sesame Street" well after I was out of its main demographic, and it was family tradition to watch the original "Muppet Show" every Friday night at 6:30 PM central time.
Jim Henson was nothing short of a genius, in my opinion. He actually graduated from University of Maryland in College Park (Fear the Turtle, baby!) and Kermit's debut was on a morning TV show in Washington DC. So I inadvertently moved into Muppet Central without realizing it. As a matter of fact, the photo to my left here is of the memorial sculpture commissioned (I don't know by whom) of Jim and his favorite creation. It is on the University of Maryland campus, in front of the student union. What's more, it's life sized. As you can see by the picture, the sculptor was very detail could see the veins in Jim's hands, the wrinkles and textures of his clothes, and Kermit's minute details as well. (The photo, BTW, was taken by Doug's mom - Sandra Brucker, of Bloomington, IL - on her last visit here.)
Of course, since the sculpture is life-sized, D and I took the time to sit with Jim and Kermit...
and it's funny; Jim and Doug are approximately the same height. Doug's hands are not as slim as Henson's, and Henson was definitely a slim guy, but it was just fun to group together like we're actually talking about all things Muppet oriented. If you're ever on the U of MD campus and want to go visit, he's right there. Personally, I think they should have put a plaque up briefly describing why the statue is there and Henson's contributions to TV and film, but that's just me.

I know I was heartbroken the day Jim Henson died...I was home on summer break from college, and I was positively stunned! I mean, the guy had kids the age of my sister and I, and it seemed so unfair that someone who was truly gifted was taken away so soon, but hacks seem to stick around like barnacles on a boat. He does live on, bronze and on film. Yay!
OK, enough's a hot one here in the DC metro area today, as if that's anything new. Tomorrow is an outdoor church service, but I'm not so sure that's a good idea. Oh well, I'll just do what I'm told and be a sheep.
Good book alert! I'm reading Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler, an NPR correspondent. It chronicles his trips through the Holy Land, trying to retrace the steps taken by the notables from the Five Books of Moses (Old Testament). It's very interesting so far...I really recommend it. I'm trying to figure out a book study for it for church. I'm the co-chair for Christian Education, so this is an example of the fun stuff I get to do.
Talked to Dad and Mom last night, and they're both happy that he's home! However, the cat they have (Bogo, who weighs 23 lbs. and lays down to eat) has "dumped" Dad for their new roomie (and my sister's best friend) Jennine. However, I don't think Dad's too distressed. Also talked to the "super nieces" last night (Cameron was too busy eating chicken noodle soup) and they were also happy Dad was home. Courtney did make me giggle...she said, "Grandma's happy Grandpa's home, and I'm glad Grandma's happy for a change." I knew what she's like that saying goes, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy." Truer words hath never been spoken!
Well, that's it for Saturday as far as factual Sudiegirl stuff is concerned. Have a cool one for me...we'll chat again!