Saturday, August 13, 2005

And now, from the "Eewwwwww...can I touch it?" files and Yahoo! News...

Sudiegirl sez: Ya know, I wish that they had a "scary" font that looks like it's dripping blood for this entry. It just seems to me that would MAKE the entry truly perfect. However, some special guests will be visiting to let us know what they think of this hot news topic. And BTW, I found another blog friend...the website is Angry Snail and she's a funny person. Go visit and tell her Sudiegirl sent ya! And NO, I'm not gaining any material wealth or anything out of this...we just gotta help each other out in this big old world and I am happy to do my part. So let's get back to the story, shall we? Y'all know what happens next so don't be surprised. Let's go!

Tampa Cadaver Exhibit May Be Scuttled
By MITCH STACY, Associated Press Writer Sat Aug 13, 8:34 AM ET

TAMPA, Fla. - A decision by Florida's attorney general Friday could scuttle plans for a controversial museum exhibit featuring human bodies preserved and posed to reveal their inner workings. (Ah, that's one to see before lunch, huh?)

The board that oversees the use of human specimens at Florida's medical schools wants proof that the deceased or their families authorized the use of the bodies. (I don't know why, but I have this vision of a zombie Juan Epstein from "Welcome Back Kotter" lurching up to the curator saying, "I got a note." Maybe it's just me?!)

The Tampa Museum of Science and Industry argues that the Anatomical Board doesn't have jurisdiction. (However, the animatronics committee at Walt Disney World is interested. Don't ask me why...)

Attorney General Charlie Crist weighed in Friday, writing that because the purpose of "BODIES: The Exhibition" is educational, "it is my opinion that the approval of the Anatomical Board of the State of Florida is required." (OK, is it just me or does "BODIES: The Exhibition" leave a little bit more to the imagination than it should? I mean, what if some poor, drunk frat boys wander in thinking that Pamela Anderson is going to be there along with all of her physically enhanced friends? They come in reeking of Budweiser and Polo cologne, lookin' for nookie, and all they find are body organs. I can guarantee you someone's gonna lose their nachos!)

What that means for the future of the Tampa exhibit, scheduled to open Aug. 20, remains to be seen. (However, the Tampa Society of Cadaver Fondlers will have their regular meeting at the Holiday Inn Rumpus Room to discuss further plans of action.)

Museum President Wit Ostrenko said Friday the exhibition would open as scheduled. "It is our intention to continue to have a constructive dialogue in an attempt to resolve our differences," he said. (Uh-huh. Usually, sentences that start out with "It is our intention" usually are a harbinger of doom for any project because it's fancy talk for "We'll sure try our best but more than likely it will blow up in our faces.")

But on Thursday, Arnie Geller, president and CEO of Premier Exhibitions, the Atlanta promoter of the exhibit, said the documentation the board wants would be impossible to obtain because the identities are unknown. (All right...who threw away the price tags?)

The bodies were obtained legally but belonged to Chinese people who died unidentified or unclaimed by family members and were preserved at the Dalian Medical University of Plastination Laboratories in China, according to the exhibition's medical director, Roy Glover. (Oh boy...the plot thickens)

"BODIES: The Exhibition" (Starring David Hasselhoff, Erik Estrada and Pamela Anderson as "Stripperella") features 20 cadavers and 260 other parts preserved with a process that replaces human tissue with silicone rubber. (Hannibal Lecter was seen leaving the exhibitiion saying, "My goodness, what a funny aftertaste.") Skin is removed, exposing muscles, bones, organs, tendons, blood vessels and brains. (In spite of the wisecracks I've made about it, I think this would actually be cool to see. What do you all think?)

Tampa is to be the U.S. debut for the exhibit. (Let's just hope the A/C holds out...)

A similar human anatomy exhibit called "Body Worlds" is now showing in the United States and has drawn more than 15 million visitors since its debut in Tokyo in 1996. It has also drawn criticism from medical ethicists, however, and the condemnation of religious groups that claim it violates the sanctity of the human body. (You know, I don't think that's the case really. I would gladly donate my organs to another human or an exhibit like this, even if it's just me serving as a bad example. Who would want them? Ay, there's the rub.)
Well, as you know, folks...I didn't want this occasion to go un-noted, so I have gathered together some zombies of note to see what they think. After all, they're basically cadavers with appetites, aren't they?
Ah, here comes a group now! Hello, I'm Sudiegirl from Rancho Sudiegirl and "Musings of a Chick", and I'd like to know...what's your opinion on the cadaver exhibit in Tampa, Florida?
"Unggghhhh...not sure...aesthetically pleasing but no samples to try...not idea of good time...ughhhhh...must have brains!"
(Well, that's one opinion...)
(wait a are the zombies from the Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video, when he still had a nose! Here we go...)
Excuse me, I'm Sudiegirl from Rancho Sudiegirl and "Musings of a chick", and I'd like to know...what's your opinion on the cadaver exhibit in Tampa, FL?
A spokeszombie for the "Thriller" zombies states the following: "Due to contruactual obligations and the general ickiness of our employer, we cannot comment on the situation at this time. Oh yeah...uuunnnggghhh, grrrrr..."
(OK, well, I've got one shot left. Oh, here comes Tor Johnson! Let's ask HIM what he thinks...)
"Excuse me, Mr. Johnson, my name is Sudiegirl and I'm with Rancho Sudiegirl and "Musings of a chick." I'd like to know what your opinion is regarding the cadaver exhibit in Tampa, FL?"

"Ungnnnnnhhhhhh...time for go to bed...grrrrr"

Well, GEE...definitely one of my less successful surveys. Sigh...Anyway, make sure if you go to the exhibit, it's not interactive! So no playin' with brains or guts. And bring me back a tee-shirt! (extra large, please...)

Sudiegirl the "gutsy" (come on, ya know I had to say it!)