Cranky Friday

I've shown a recent affinity for purple in my entries as of late. Is it some latent Donny Osmond crush working through me? Could be...I'm not gonna fight it.
1. My dad is coming home from the hospital today! WOO-HOO! He'll get a few new gadgets to play with, such as the LifeLine (as in "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up") and a Craftmatic-esque adjustable bed - they'll have the kind that's actually two twin beds but join into one humongous bed. That way, Dad can elevate himself as he sees fit and Mom can lay flat if she wants to. Whatever else they cook up in their boudoir is THEIR business. The thought of geriatric sex truly makes me feel unclean, especially if it's MY PARENTS!!! But at any rate, I'm VERY glad he's coming home. Maybe he can actually stay there a while!
2. I've made several new friends thanks to this Internet missive, and I've found some other fun and noteworthy blogs to list. Two of them I'd like to list and link to today are: (a teacher in Denver, Colorado who is a very creative individual both in and out of the classroom. She's very talented!) (really funny photos, jokes, etc. They get kind of "blue", but they're still funny. He's living in Germany and gets lots of fun stuff to share across the 'Net.)
BTW, if I haven't linked to your site as I said I would, it's probably because I"m still inept at this kind of thing and may have done it wrong. My apologies, and I will endeavor to fix it.
OF COURSE, into each life a little acid rain must fall. I started a new assignment this week, and I'd like to vent a little, if I may.
First of all, in order to even QUALIFY for this assignment, I had to do the following:
*** I had to interview with the agency itself.
*** I had to fill out a 20 page application, and list every job I've had for the past 10 years. The company also did a background check and a credit check.
*** Last but not least, I had to pee in a cup at a medical lab on a Saturday. I hate peeing in a cup. I have LOUSY aim.
Now you would THINK with all the steps I had to take and all the hoops I had to jump through, they would be READY for me on Monday, right? (At this point, picture your favorite bipolar redhead rolling her eyes, arching her right eyebrow a la John Belushi, then sighing in a disgusted manner.)
Well, let's close of business today I didn't have a passkey to get in and out of the office (BIG security risk right there), nor do I have my own computer login or e-mail account. Those last two are biggies because the bulk of my job is to print, distribute and log faxes that are - guess what - E-MAILED to me. Plus, they scheduled me for 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM which aren't compatible with my trainer's hours.
Ah, yes...the trainer. Did I mention that my trainer is 9 months pregnant and a snippy little WENCH!? I didn't? Well, she is. She isn't due until the end of the month either, so every prayer to my Higher Power contains the phrase "PLEASE LET HER GIVE BIRTH TOMORROW!"
This brings me to a quick aside (hence the italics). As my faithful readers know (all 8 of them), I have bipolar disorder II, a mood disorder that is marked by extreme mood swings that must be controlled with medication. They are aggravated by hormonal changes, as are moods of a pregnant woman. However, why is it OK for pregnant women to be moody on the job and not really have to apologize for it? I mean, ever since my diagnosis I work hard to make sure my moods don't bleed through on the job. If it happens, I apologize to whoever I took it out on and explain my illness, but state that I work very hard to make sure it doesn't matter and this was a fluke. In short, I take the blame, apologize, and attempt to make amends. Why don't some pregnant women feel they have to? I'm not saying that everyone needs to be like me...god knows I am certainly not a shining example of what to do. However, when a pregnant co-worker mood-swings on you and you say something to a supervisor, the excuse usually is "Well, she can't help it." Then YOU look like a shit for bringing it up. Where's the dividing line? End of unrelated rant...
In addition to the whole snippy thing, this chick is a lousy trainer. I mean, I have virtually no experience in the mortgage loan processing field, and in a temp setting you have to hit the ground running. But some explanation as to WHY you're doing what you do is somewhat NECESSARY. It's not just "go to this blank, go to that blank, hit that button". Maybe I'm spoiled, but I want to make sure that what I'm doing is correct.
So anyway, this is the paradise that I call work for the moment. Thank GOD I'm earning good money doing what I do because if I weren't I'd be out of there faster than you could say "Tom Cruise is coming to your house to pick you up for a Scientology membership smoker." AAAGGGHHH!
So enough of my kvetching...let's see what's up in the world around us (as far as entertainment is concerned).
**** Augusten Burroughs (author of Running with Scissors, Sellevision, Dry, and Magical Thinking) and his publishing company are both being sued. Who's suing them? The family of his mother's psychiatrist. If you've read his books or at least know the scenario, Augusten was "signed over" (for lack of a better phrase) by his mother to her psychiatrist. He lived with them throughout much of his teen years. At any rate, the family didn't like the way they were portrayed in the book. The portrayal is best described as "really really eccentric" if you want to get nice about it. At any rate, read this book so you'll see what I's a wonder this poor guy survived it, let alone wrote about it.
**** Movie/DVD recommendations from Sudiegirl? First, "Auto-Focus", with Greg Kinnear and Willem Dafoe. This is a biopic about Robert Crane, TV star and sex addict with a penchant for photography and video. Who'd have thunk old "Hogan" was a sex addict? At any rate, Greg Kinnear plays Robert Crane very well...he comes across as someone who has a "veneer" about them that everything's OK, but later you watch 'em crack and reveal the chaos underneath. Willem Dafoe plays the sleazy sidekick with much relish, and I think he should have played the Grinch. Those TEETH! They're scary! Second recommendation: "Kill Bill Volume I". I bought it a while back and finally got to watch it...if you like blood spurting, Uma Thurman kicking ass, and the "Woo-Hoo" song they play on the Expedia commercials, this is the film for you. Even has an anime segment in the middle that my significant Doug came to watch.
**** I am almost ashamed to admit this - but - I've watched almost all the season one episodes of "Stripperella" on DVD...and I like them. (Your cue to throw rotten fruit at this blog.) Anyway...I'm not sure why I like them. The overall look of the show (the character design) changes between the first and second discs, and one character's accent keeps skipping around from Russian to Brooklynese to Italian to Spanish. However, it's just...FUNNY. There, I said it. Don't ask me why, but it is. And Pamela Anderson is actually - FUNNY - in her delivery. I've admitted it, and yet I still feel unclean.
**** I'm also confused about this point. I read in Yahoo! Entertainment News today that Rosie O'Donnell is going to appear on Broadway AGAIN in "Fiddler on the Roof". Why does she appear in musicals when she CAN'T F*****G SING??? I mean, come on! We had to endure the stunt casting in "Grease" (and I am convinced that's partly why I was chosen to play Rizzo b/c I can crack a joke and I'm plump), so why ruin two musical institutions? I mean, if she wants to be in "Bat Boy", fine. But let's not ruin the memory of all things Tevye by putting her in this show. That's like me going out for the WNBA...good for a few laughs but ultimately not a good idea. I guess I'd better get out my Converse All-Stars, huh?
And on that note, I'm off in search of food and a sense of fulfillment. Enjoy, my little Tater Tots!