And now, from the "Do I Get an AARP Discount For This?" Files and Yahoo! News...

Sudiegirl sez: To my left are independent enterpreneurs "Superfly" Statler and "Magic Man" Waldorf. I'm not sure if this is a new trend in adult services - bargain basement prices for sexual favors - but I think we've tapped a hidden market! So now, here's one woman's quest to win over the Metamucil set...with my snotty comments interspersed, of course!
Woman Allegedly Sells Favors to Elderly
Tue Aug 2, 4:18 PM ET
Tue Aug 2, 4:18 PM ET
NEW CASTLE, Pa. - Police charged a 19-year-old woman with selling sexual favors to two elderly men for $4 and $6 each. Stacy L. Kendall, 71-year-old William R. Claypool and 83-year-old Carmen A. Nocera were arrested just outside New Castle on Friday. (Was it an "early bird special"? Just askin'.)
Claypool paid Kendall $4 for a sexual favor and Nocera paid $6, police said. (Well, let's see...that would cover the cost of two Extra Value Meals at McDonalds and leave you some change. Did they have coupons too?)
Shenango Township police Chief Allan Nocera said the arrests occurred during a police sweep of an area where residents recently had complained of drugs, sex trafficking and gunfire. (OK, I just noticed this...the last name of the police chief and one of the solicitors is the same. Coincidence? Hmmm...)
Police on Monday filed misdemeanor charges of prostitution and solicitation against all three defendants. (Explain that one at bingo night!)
Kendall and Claypool didn't answer repeated calls to their homes. (Well, in the case of one, did he even hear the phone ring?) Carmen Nocera didn't immediately return a message left at his home. (Also interesting...)
Information from: New Castle News,
Sudiegirl's final opinion?
This is another thing that makes you go, "EEEWWWWW".