Another entry in the "Things that make you go 'Do'h!'" Department, courtesy of Yahoo! news

Sudiegirl sez: Ya know, someone is a special kind of stupid when they punch another organism in the nose that is capable of tearing them up like toilet paper and eating them alive. If I had been there and seen her done that, I'd try to throw the bear a bottle of Heinz 57 and then run like hell the other way. So it is with great glee that I approach the subject matter, and if her family's angry with me, so be it. Something tells me that they may have advised her to punch the bear in the nose, so maybe there's more to the family dynamic than I realize. The usual snottiness ensues...
Woman Says She Punched Bear in the Nose
Tue Aug 2, 7:06 PM ET
DULUTH, Minn. - A 50-year-old Holyoke woman said she punched a black bear in the nose as it attacked her, but the bear didn't flinch. (No, but I bet it was confused, then realized that "Hey, it's all you can eat night at the idiot buffet!")
"It was totally ineffective," Mary Munn said of her attempts to fend off the bear during Friday's attack. (Yeah, I'd have to agree with you there...)
The ordeal lasted less than a minute, but in that time the bear bit her in several places, as Munn's dog tried to distract the 150 to 200 pound animal. (With what, a puppet show?)
Munn described the attack on Monday, speaking from a wheelchair in a conference room at St. Mary's Hospital. She showed reporters the gouge in her right leg. She also had deep bites in her side and armpit. (Well, Hannibal Lecter says that's the sweeter meat in the human body.)
Munn said she was walking near a beaver pond in the woods near her home on Friday when she spotted a bear about 30 feet away. The bear charged her immediately, but did not attack, she said. (So she just stood there looking at it? I would have run my ass off!)
The bear charged a couple more times, (You mean she didn't get the hint the first time?) and Munn hit it with a stick and punched it in the nose. (OK, there goes her nature merit badge.)
The bear then attacked, knocking Munn down and biting and clawing her on her torso, arms and legs. Her dog, a boxer named Maggie, distracted the bear a little, but Munn did not run. (What? What was she thinking, that The Crocodile Hunter was just going to pop out of a bush and save her worthless ass?)
The attack lasted less than a minute, then the bear looked at something and went away, Munn said. (He probably went back to tell his bear buddies, "Wait'll I tell you THIS...this broad punched me in the nose! Can you believe that? I took a few bites, but the rest of the meat's still fresh if you want some.")
Munn walked back to her house, called for help and waited about 30 minutes outside for police to come. (OK, she walked back to the house? She's not only stupid, she's indestructible! She's like a dumb version of Robocop!)
DNR searches for the bear have not been successful. If a bear that matches Munn's description is found, it will be killed and examined for disease. (Now, I don't think that's fair. The bear was doing what it was supposed to per Mother Nature's grand plan and she sucker-punched him in the nose! What would Smokey Bear do?)
Munn is being treated for rabies, just to be safe, said Dr. Kevin Stephan. (I'd do a brain scan too, and maybe some cognitive testing. Anyone who sucker-punches a bear has a screw loose!)
Despite her injuries, Munn was joking about the attack on Monday. "I'm 50," Munn said. "It will be another 50 years before another bear attacks me." (Well, it's not like you're going to do something equally stupid before then, like stick a fork into an electrical outlet, is it? Yep, she's definitely a "robo-idiot".)
Information from: Duluth News Tribune,
Sudiegirl's final opinion?
I hope the bears sue her for defamation of character and wrongful death if their compadre has to be sacrificed for the "greater good".