Ramblings, rhymes & recitations

Well, folks...I'm just kind of hanging out here on a Saturday night, typing, and just wanted to "rap", as the young people say.
I realize the earlier "doctor" piece was a flop, but please understand that I'll be more inspired tomorrow. It was hard to find a picture of Rowlf the Muppet dressed up in a doctor's scrubs, and once I found it, the rest of my creative zing was gone.
However, I just wanna riff a little bit and share things that go through my head, y'know? Daria (on the left) would approve, I'm sure. I actually had someone compare me to her once...it was my ex-brother-in-law, John. Then again, he had a "thing" for Daria. Something tells me if John didn't have his overly Christian wife (who looks more like John Lithgow in drag whenever I think about it), he'd be hitting on me, and that's not cool. But I guess if Daria was bipolar and a bit of a spaz, I could be her. I doubt it, though, because she is so cool. And BTW, I miss that show. Is it out on DVD yet? Please let me know here at the site, as I will spend some of my hard earned dough on that, I guarantee.
So with that in mind, here are some other things that have been on my mind this week:
- I am a performer (albeit a very minor-league one), and I would like to know Vince Vaughn's "amazement" at the fact that the general public cares about celebrity love lives. OK...Vince, I love ya, and wouldn't mind sharing your company, BUT...you're a performer. You have chosen your profession based on your desire to perform for the public. You want people to notice what you do on a global scale, right? Right. Ergo, when people follow a movie star's love life, they're only doing what you wanted to do in the first place. Sounds like they're not the only ones that need to eat something and go to bed. BTW, your love life certainly hasn't hurt your box office appeal for "Wedding Crashers", huh? (Also, I LOVED "Dodgeball", so please don't let my snottiness fool you...)
- I made a mistake in a DVD purchase the other day, albeit a low-cost one. If you are considering renting or purchasing the Kevin Spacey-directed-produced-written-with-Kevin-singing-and-dancing like Bobby Darin even though he looks too OLD-extravaganza "Beyond the Sea", don't. It is really goofy, Kevin wears an unconvincing rug, and he forgets that Bobby Darin was in his late teens/early 20s when he was doing "Splish Splash". If you really want to learn about Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee, read either "Dream Lovers" (written by Bobby's son, Dodd Darin) or the other biography about Bobby Darin (forgive me as the writer's name escapes me). Kevin loves the subject matter, don't get me wrong, but he's not doing anyone any favors by trying to play someone that - in his heyday - was 20 years younger than Kevin. What's more, one vital fact that the movie left out was that Sandra Dee was actually WAY YOUNGER than she was purported to be. She was not 18 when she married Bobby Darin - not by a long shot. Read "Dream Lovers" and see what I mean. You'll enjoy it.
- DO, however, rent/buy the following movies: "Slap Shot", "Ray", "O Brother Where Art Thou?", "Capturing the Friedmans", "Napoleon Dynamite", "GoodFellas", "Fargo" and "The Blues Brothers". Great films, all of them, for various reasons. 'Nuff said.
- Note to Lindsay Lohan: Eat Something.
- Note to Britney Spears: Would you please tell Kevin to get a job and tuck in his shirt?
- Note to Lance Archibald: How's the dating thing going? Any prospects?
- Note to Jamie Foxx: You rock, and if I had a kajillion dollars, I would book you to sing at my wedding whenever that happens.
- Please visit these two websites, folks: http://courtingdestiny.com, and http://iprettymuchhateeverything.blogspot.com. Very good writing, and some funny stuff too!
Well, I think that's all for today...I'll be back with more interesting stuff tomorrow.
Hugs, kisses and moviestar wishes,