Wild, Wacky, Weird Wednesday! (First in an intermittent series)
Don't kill Harry Potter, authors urge Rowling
(Just maim him instead. Or render him unable to perform wizardry so he has to work as an accountant for the rest of his life. But for GOD's sake, don't kill him!)
Heat wave cooks eastern part of US
(I found this in the "Technology" section of Yahoo! News...could someone explain why it's there? Did someone invent hot weather? I'm out of the loop...)
Wow...has it really only been a day since my last three posts? (Note: SARCASM ZONE)
It's still BLOODY HOT here. I'm sick of it - thoroughly sick, I tells ya! Also, our house phone isn't working. I'm sure my mother is happy because that means I can't bother her every day but it still pisses me off. I'm going to take Friday off instead for the phone person to come (if they can come, that is).
I've made MORE blogfriends the past few weeks, and there's a couple of bloggers I've linked to that are just really funny and we're not friends ... yet.
Let's see what they're talking about, shall we?Humble Beginnings says that something suspicious is happening to his underwear.
Izzie talks about last night's fun with her friends.
Karla discusses her nocturnal habits.
Jesus and Satan answer e-mails? According to this site they do - check out Satan's method for handling child molesters.
Miss Cellania discusses fast food, with some disturbing photographs (don't worry - they're still family friendly. Just LOTS o' Ronald McDonald.)
In the meantime, here are some regular customers...
Brian and Edward H. both have beefs with Mel Gibson.
Miss New Orleans tries her hand at haiku.
Greg has a new diet plan.
Groovygrrl gets a pleasant surprise about her family and her home state.Inconsequentially Pink gives us a recipe for Grapefruit Meringue Pie. Hmmm...
Lightning Bug's Butt channels Mother Teresa.
Hoss moved to his new digs and gives us a tour.
Over the Hill Chick goes back in time to her stage debut.
Mr. Fabulous blames everything on Tony Danza.
Pointmeister talks about who wants to be a superhero!
(If I haven't gotten to you today, I will tomorrow, I PROMISE!!!
OK, in addition, another blog friend (Des) has nominated a new celebrity for the "Poor Baby" award. We really don't have a democratic selection process of sorts here at Rancho Sudiegirl, so yeah, we'll do it!
If YOU know of a celebrity (or regular person who's somehow made the news) that deserves the "Poor Baby" award (or any other award Rancho Sudiegirl has, or else we'll make up a new one), all it takes is leaving a comment in the comment box and we'll "git-r-done"!Anyway, Des' nominee for today is - TORI SPELLING!!!!
Reason for nomination: Oh - where can I BEGIN??? If you go here and here, you'll find that poor Tori is having trouble with her inheritance. In the vernacular, "she ain't gettin' s**t."
To quote an article from the Miami Herald:
At least that's the way her story is told in the new Us Weekly, which quotes sources as saying the daughter of Aaron Spelling will inherit just $800,000 of the TV legend's estimated $500 million fortune, reports E!Online.
Of course, there are copious amounts of MUD being flung.
Mommy (of course) denies there's a problem. And BTW, does she look scary? I think she does. I think the drawstring has been pulled a little bit tight. Maybe it's just me.
However, Mommy is pissy at Tori because Tori dumped her first husband (actually, I think the therapist announced it as opposed to Tori doing it her own bad self) for hubby #2. So there is that. (BTW, if anyone can update me as to who dumped who and how, I'd really appreciate it.)
Of course, celebrity coverage of this private affair wouldn't be complete without at least one article noting the details of the will. (I just love how nothing with celebs is ever truly PRIVATE...you know? Here's how www.hollywood.com phrased it in their article:
Tori has lashed out at her mother after finding out about her father's passing through an email message from a friend and not from her family.
Candy hit back at Tori by releasing a statement saying, "We are deeply saddened that, during our time of loss and grief, we are forced to respond to the media frenzy caused by the mean-spirited and surprising comments made by Tori to the press, just two days after the passing of Aaron."
Media reports at the time claimed Tori could be excluded from the will and miss out on receiving any of her father's estimated $500 million fortune. According to Entertainment Tonight, Spelling's estate has been left to a trust, which indicates that details on the exact division of his massive fortune will most likely remain confidential.
In other words, we'll never really know according to this article. But if it's supposed to remain confidential, how do we know about the exact dollar amount? Probably because of people sneaking around in Beverly Hills restaurant bathrooms, or waitstaff at exclusive restaurants being paid huge amounts of money to find out what exactly is up. Maybe I should move to Cali? ANYWAY...
Here's the most sickening thing of all...this is from the Yahoo! UK and Ireland website, and can be read in full here:
And it seems that Tori's current lifestyle is a far cry from her opulent childhood in the Spelling's 123-room Holmby Hills mansion. In recent days, Tori has been photographed with her husband checking lottery tickets, shopping at a dollar store and browsing the window of an Ottawa pawn shop.
"I'm moving on with my life," Tori told US Weekly while shopping at a Thrift store. "I'm just focusing on starting a loving and healthy family with Dean."
Oh Lord. Tori and her husband (I'm gonna call him Ol' Greasy A** just 'cause I like the sound of it), are shopping at dollar stores and pawn shops, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!! They're buying lottery tickets, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!!!
You know what? My furniture is over 25 years old.
My livingroom bookshelves are actually dresser-drawer frames we found on the curb before the garbageman came.
I get lots of stuff at Wal-Mart, Target and K-Mart that's good quality.
I've found nice clothes at consignment shops, Goodwill and Salvation Army.
Dollar stores have a lot of cleaning supplies and other things that are just as good as brand name stuff.
Clipping coupons is not a sin.
If Tori thinks that living the way many of us do is a hardship, then I don't think she deserves the "mere pittance" she supposedly received.
Then again, my dad never had snow specially delivered to me for the holidays. So maybe I'm off in the head, huh?
Miss Tori, I can honestly say that you are today's POOR BABY. Pout about it in good health.
And with that, I am off to torment others. CIAO!!!
(Die Freschmacher)