Tuesday, and only one award this time...
It's still HOT here - but that's nothing new so I'll shut up about that one.
I don't have a whole lot to say at this point (I know some people are cheering that fact), but what I have is at least timely. Yay.
First of all, from the "No More 'Mel Gibson, Dream Gynecologist' Sketches on SNL" files...
Apparently there's more to the whole drunk driving incident than I initially thought, with the transcripted arrest report and Gibson's rants about Hollywood being controlled by Jews.
Why can't Mel be a drunken slob like the rest of us? When did he start going nuts? To quote Newsday film critic John Anderson, "How many people when they are drunk and angry start lashing out at the Jews?" (The article can be read in full here.)I admit, I really like looking at him. Even in his mug shot, he's still one hot man. OH yeah.
But I struggled with whether I should see "Passion of the Christ". I wanted to see one person's vision of what Christ went through, but the anti-Semitic debates kept deterring me, and now it's on DVD and cable and I still argue with myself over whether I should see it.
They say the truth comes out when you're loaded. If that is true, Mel has screwed the pooch big time. BIG time. I never realized the problems he had with alcohol, though. That was a surprise. He sure looked good in spite of it.
I guess I just can't understand anyone being anti-Semitic yet saying they're Christian. To me, that's against all that Christians have been taught. We're supposed to be tolerant. We don't have to embrace another religion per se, but we sure don't need to condemn it.
I REALLY don't get the whole argument against the Holocaust, with people saying it never happened. (The reason I mention it is because Mel Gibson's father spoke out and said as much, and Daddy & Mel belong to the same sect of Catholicism.)
Apparently, the folks that believe this argument is true never had to liberate a concentration camp like my second husband's father did. It scarred him for the rest of his life. What more proof do you NEED?
However, in that great irony of ironies, Mel G. was going to produce a Holocaust miniseries on ABC that has been since pulled off of their production schedule.
At any rate, Mel had better start going to temp companies until he can find a new career. If you need help updating your resume, just let me know, Mr. Gibson. Thanks!
*****UPDATE: Mel Gibson now wants to meet with representatives of the Jewish community to apologize and "heal the wounds", as it were. Read all about it here, and then ask yourself, "What would Brian Boitano do?"
And as promised - one award...the "Egg Sucking Dog" award. I haven't given this one out in a few weeks so I figure there's no time like the present, right? Right.
So here we go...who's our Egg Sucking Dog today?
Today's recipient: Maria Bergan
Reason for award: Ms. Bergan stole someone's ID and credit card, then was dumb enough to use it in a bar with the waitress she initially stole it from!!!
To quote the article, which can be read in full here: (referring to the event)
The 22-year-old waitress, whose name was not released, called police last week and said she had been handed her own stolen driver's license by a woman trying to prove she was 21. The woman, who became suspicious of the delay as the waitress went to call police, fled the Moosehead Saloon, but her companion provided her name.
Judge's comments: What a coincidence! I've heard of this kind of thing happening, but not very much. OH well...Ms. Bergan gets the award anyway due to the wonderful powers of karma.
Suck that egg, girl! You're worth it.
(Who doesn't know how to suck an egg, but I'm sure I've been told to do so many times!)