Wednesday, August 16, 2006

sputtering fits and starts

I love all aspects of this picture. I really do.

I'm working hard to overcome today's writers block.

Let's see...what can I say?

I had lunch with my friend L. again today...he's great. He's got a budding relationship going with a woman and I'm happy for him. Of course, I do still heckle him and make him blush but I hope knows I do it with lots of special Sudiegirl love.

Now, I'm listening to this song I remember from when I was a kid called "Ariel" by Dean Friedman. By "a kid", I mean, like six or seven years old. I made my Barbies dance around to it. I didn't understand all of it, but I liked the melody. And REALLY, isn't that more important?

Anyway...there's not a lot going on. I can't gripe about the weather because it's totally gorgeous out today. I don't want to go on about my "time o' month" because I've done it before. D is fine, the fam is fine, so what could I possibly have to gripe about?


I got nothin'. (and ED, that is NOT copyrighted. I looked it UP.)

So I'll be back tomorrow, and hopefully I'll have somethin'.

(who's got nothin')