Friday, August 11, 2006

My mind is a blank and empty void - and I can't come up with any post ideas either.

Man - I got nothin' today! AAAAGGGHHH! No headlines to make fun of without offending someone, no celebrities to bash...what's your favorite redhead to do?

I've got a gig tomorrow (as I mentioned yesterday), and the theme of the dance is "Hawaiian Night". I'm gonna puke. Oh well, this at least increases the possibility that I'll get "lei'd" at the gig, and really, isn't that what it's all about? (Oh, stop Sudiegirl...the puns are unbearable!)

Anyway, I am really hopin' I'll have more by Saturday or Sunday.

Sorry...peruse the archives, please! You'll enjoy them, I promise.

Your sweet and loving (although writer-blocked)