Monday meditations...
Astronomers struggle to define 'planet'
(What, they're too good for a dictionary?)
Philippine volcano spews hot gas, debris
(Sounds like another Saturday night for Larry the Cable Guy.)
Well, another week rears its putrid and ugly-ass head.
(Sheer poetry, eh?)
Not a whole lot going on with me. I had a gig with the big band this weekend at the Elks Club for the Big Band Society. Apparently enough big band enthusiasts got together to make a club out of it. The theme for the evening was "Hawaiian Night", and there were bright shirts a-plenty on the dance floor. I made the remark that the dance floor looked like the set of "From Here to Eternity" and I was waiting for Montgomery Clift to walk through the door.
Beyond that, the heat wave seems to be backing off and your favorite bipolar redhead is MUCHO HAPPY.
So enough of my yammering...let's get on to the world at large, shall we?I found this in the "Another reality show I'm going to skip..." department:
I know I wrote briefly about my experience in a community theater production of "Grease", and it was (for the most part, other than the friends I made) completely unpleasant. Therefore, I will MOST DEFINITELY skip the festivities for this one too.
One thing I have to note...
Now every once in a while a quote from an article comes along that just SCREAMS to be comedically dissected by yours truly. This is just that quote:
NBC said on Tuesday it will broadcast a talent show titled "You're the One That We Want" -- a play on a hit song from the show -- in which viewers can vote for singers to play the roles of the naive new girl in town, Sandy Dumbrowski, and Danny Zuko, the tough gang leader with a soft center.
Now, when I think of the phrase "with a soft center", I think of a 3 Musketeers bar, or else a cookie with a nice soft, warm center.
I would love to be a fly on the wall of this journalist's cubicle, listening to him/her figure out how to describe Danny Zuko.
"The tough gang leader with a tender side? No-no-no, that won't work at all."
"The tough gang leader with a gooey caramel center?"
"I know, the tough gang leader with a soft center. That should fit."
(Not an accurate re-enactment, but humorous nonetheless.)
Also, today marks DAY ONE of Boy George's community service...and already, he's been heckled by the media.
Ol' Boy George had suggested a few other things for his community service. To quote the article:
He petitioned to spend the time helping teenagers make a public service announcement. Among his other proposals to the court: holding a fashion and makeup workshop, serving as a D.J. at an HIV/AIDS benefit or doing telephone outreach.
OK...I get the "helping the teenagers make a public service announcement" (although we don't know what the PSA would be about).
But the FASHION AND MAKEUP WORKSHOP? HUH? (Sorry for all caps, but trust me...inside I'm screaming about this.)
Who is this workshop supposed to cater to? As much as I appreciated his "flair" when I was a young 'un, it ain't happening for me these days.
Also, telephone outreach? I assume that the "outreach" would be about HIV/AIDS, but again, in this age of everyone hating telemarketers, the courts might have said "no" to protect Boy George from a horrific demise.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the essence of community service doing something you DON'T want to do?
Hear me out on this one, people.
For example, if your favorite bipolar redhead were somehow pressed into community service, what would be assigned? I shudder to think of the possibilities.
1. Spending time with cranky senior citizens that think I drive too fast.
2. Lifting heavy objects.
3. Going outside and lifting heavy objects.
4. Going outside and lifting heavy senior citizens that think I drive too fast.
You see where I'm going here with this?
So George, you gotta do it. The court will not believe you've learned your lesson if you do something you LIKE to do, so grit your teeth and pick up those Cheetos bags.
Oh...and stay hydrated.
So, until I find something else to b***h about, I remain your lovable and snarky...