Lotsa More News...plus a new prospective business-type venture?
Sara Lee posts slight profit
(Ya know why? 'Cause nobody doesn't like Sara Lee.)
Mentor posts lower profit after unit sale
(I'd like to quote the first sentence that gives the reader a "taste" of the article...
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Breast implant maker Mentor Corp. on Monday reported a lower quarterly profit from continuing operations after selling its urology business to focus on faster-growth cosmetic procedures.
So that means one thing only: even implants can droop.)
Howdy...and what a hap-hap-happy Tuesday it is!
I think the heat wave is slowly breaking here, but for anyone reading where it's still unbearable...hang in there!
Not much going on here, so that's why I'm just going to hit the ground running with various and sundry news items.First of all, from the "Adventures of the Six-Toed Cats" department...
If you click here, you can read all about the controversy surrounding the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum. I'm just going to go through the highlights of the story.
Forty-two years after the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum first opened, the USDA is now saying that the famous six-toed cats that reside there (Forty-six cats total, according to the article) must be displayed in cages.
The USDA's argument, to quote the article, states: Under the section of the Animal Welfare Act that deals with "animal exhibitors," the USDA has determined that the 46 resident free-range felines are display animals like those in a zoo, and must be caged.
Needless to say, in Key West, Florida (where the museum/home is) this is a big issue. Rightly so, as well. Many citizens of Key West consider the six-toed cats as part of their community, and therefore, shouldn't be constrained. Not all Key West residents agree, including the local Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. But again...it's not like the home/museum DISAPPEARED or anything. It's been there for (let me repeat) FORTY-TWO YEARS!!!!!
In addition, Mike Morawski (chief executive of the Hemingway Home/Museum) even complied with recommendations from a USDA inspector (he put up an angled fence, among other things), they still wouldn't license him.
I guess I have a problem. The problem is - the Hemingway Home/Museum isn't exactly unknown. It's been around for (brace yourselves again) FORTY-TWO YEARS. Why in God's name is the USDA getting pissy NOW? And what does the USDA consider a "neighborhood nuisance" anyway? The article doesn't say, and I doubt that they want to tell anyone. It's probably something stupid. The cats are being taken care of...they're all neutered so they can't "spread the love" around the neighborhood, plus fed and watered, with regular vet trips.
All I know is this: kitties are being messed with, and that makes me sad. I think the USDA is trying to cover up the fact that they're about 42 years too late with this assessment, and in my opinion, they just need to get over it and find someone else who's actually violating animal welfare. Like, say, Paris Hilton...she carries that stupid dog everywhere - it's probably forgotten how to walk!
Next, in the "ANOTHER useful service I've missed" files...
Three words - SexTalkRadio.
OK...here's the "mission statement" (for lack of a better phrase) for this station (quoted directly from the press release):
an information-rich website with a slate of call-in Internet radio talk shows targeting the college crowd...SexTalkRadio's broadcasts (which) are infused with fun, compassion, and good-natured give and take.
Among other names/topics for call in shows (again, quoted from the PR Web press release)...
(Mike) Goss says this struggle particularly resonates for college students, who, he says, "are at a stage where they're making key decisions that will determine the outcome of their lives for decades to come and possibly forever." That's why two of SexTalkRadio's four call-in shows are designed specifically for college-age audiences. "Sunday Night Live," which airs from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. CDT, features Goss and a female collegiate co-host and tackles topics such as, "The Key to Incredible Sex - Found in, of All Places, the Bible." "Relationship Tuesdays with Dr. K.," a show that occupies the same time slot on Tuesdays, also reaches out to the college crowd but features a relationship counselor co-host who can parry callers' questions.
yet another quote from the article (and BTW, Mr. Goss is also the founder of AbstinenceAmerica, so he covers all points on the spectrum):
"I try to take these heavy subjects and add a touch of humor in order to deliver what sometimes amounts to very hard truths," says Goss. "I believe my enthusiasm, energy, and entertaining style opens listeners' ears and hearts to my message. From my counseling experience, it is my sincere belief that the majority of people die and go to an empty grave while never experiencing the love and companionship they so desperately want. I want to help change that."
OK - Mr. Goss sees SexTalkRadio as a ministry. I can see that, really...I know that I could have used a good adult role model (that's not a parent) to talk these things out with. As those of you may remember, I wrote about my first "sex talk" and it wasn't the most successful of Mom's ventures.
However, the devilish side of me wants to contribute a few more topics for this station. I'm sure they'll appreciate my creativity and sense of helpfulness, so here are my ideas...
1. "Can Wesson Oil be used as a lubricant?"
2. "How does my mom know to call when I have someone of the opposite sex in my room and I'm naked?"
3. "Can Saran Wrap serve as a prophylactic if it's 3 AM and the drugstore is closed?"
4. "Top pick-up lines from drunk freshman guys...#1: Let's get a pizza and f**k."
5. "Bunk beds and you: what to do if you're stuck with the upper bunk and you want to score."
6. "Forwarding Hustler and Penthouse Forun to addresses other than your parents house when you're away from the summer: simpler than you think."
7. "Hooters Girls: Do Big Tips Mean Big Fun?"
8. "Is it cool to break up by text message?"
9. "Five Reasons Why It's Not Cool To Sleep With Your Prof"
10. "Why Crazy Frog Should Not Be Used As Mood Music"
I hope they're happy with my list...I've got more!!! (OK, quit groaning)
Now...finally...the last newsworthy item for today, and I must say, I have been inspired.In the "What the hell is it?" department...
In the vernacular, it's called a "corpse flower". In the world of botany, it's called "Amorphophallus titanum" (which, in my opinion, means "big-ass stinky plant") from Indonesia.
It bloomed over the weekend at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA., and it was reported that you could smell it from 100 feet away.
As you can see, it's not exactly the most attractive plant, and the smell is supposed to attract various bugs (sweat bees, decaying flesh - eating beetles, and flies) so it can pollinate.
Furthermore, once it blooms and dies, it takes several years to re-bloom again. THANK GOD.
Now HERE's a business venture for Rancho Sudiegirl. Now check this out...As far as the business venture, here it is:
"Amorphophallus titanum - when you care enough to send someone a big-ass flower that smells like a raccoon that's been dead for a week." (Or would that be too wordy?)
So the question of the day is this: if YOU could send a flower like this to anyone in the world that made you angry, who would it be?
I'd send one to...oh...the person who convinced Britney Spears that she had talent.
How about you?
Come on, folks...don't be shy...leave your answer in the comments.
Sudiegirl the inquisitive