Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm sorry I neglected you here's Thoughtless Thursday to do my penance with.

Judge to rule if 'meowing' is harassment
(Only at a dog show.)

Corruption dogs both parties this year
(Probably where the 'meowing' harassment comes
into play)

N.J. student gives dorm room diet advice (If this involves boycotting ramen noodles and beef jerky, I am SO going to wring that student's neck.)

Thought for the day:

"Of the twenty or so civilizations known to modern Western historians, all except our own appear to be dead or moribund, and, when we diagnose each case ... we invariably find that the cause of death has been either War or Class or some combination of the two."
— Arnold J. Toynbee, English historian (1889-1975).

Sudiegirl's rebuttal:

"Uh...yeah, what he said."


OK, pals 'n' gals...time for Sudiegirl to make amends b/c she was away yesterday.

I really did have a good reason, though...Michael R. Johnson, a cousin I was fairly close to, passed away. He was a neat guy, too.

He worked for many years at Spartanburg Day School, Spartanburg, South Carolina. He was a history teacher there as well as the headmaster. You can look at his obit here, and I'm sure you'll be wondering how on EARTH I could be related to him b/c he's pretty smart and I'm ...well...uh...yeah. Well, in spite of the statistics and common sense seeming to rule the day, I am related to him (his mother and my grandmother were sisters), and he was a pretty cool guy.

First off, the man was TALL, and it's not just the "oh, I'm a little kid and EVERYONE'S tall" thing. He was VERY TALL. He and his family would come visit every other year or something like that, and we would always have a good time. We'd laugh, visit, play games...and this next part, people never seemed to believe unless they actually witness it.

We'd have a dance in the livingroom (or wherever the piano was at the time).

Yeah, you read it right.

Mike would get on the piano and start playing waltzes, foxtrots, you name it. I didn't dance (I was a bit self-conscious about that), but I liked seeing the adults dance.

Once I got older, I got to hear more of Mike's jazz prowess. Wow. He played prelude music for my first wedding, and I am honestly able to say he's the first person I know of to play "Makin' Whoopee" in the United Methodist Church of Washington, Iowa and get away with it.

I remember when I was growing up that I hated singing for my relatives because it seemed like that's the only time they'd want me around. But Mike never turned a hair...he'd play anything the family wanted to hear.

Mike taught me that what it takes to be a good musician is patience with the audience. He'd play the schmaltzy stuff, but it was like he somehow knew he'd get to the "good stuff" later. I always admired that about him.

So Mike, you had better save me a seat at the celestial piano bar...I'm family, you know!

RIP, Mr. Johnson.


OK, now on to what I do best - snipe at people I don't know. And really, isn't that what life is all about?

This first post is a combination "Where are they now?" post and the "I'm Sorry, But So Is Brenda Lee Award.

If you click here, you can read the articles with snotty comments interspersed about these charming folks...

So in addition to "Where are they now?", the "I'm Sorry, But So Is Brenda Lee" Award is going to:

Sarah and Kris Everson!!!

(Yes, I know the award states it's given to one sorry soul, but Rancho Sudiegirl is a dictatorship as far as these awards are concerned. In short, I give 'em out, and I decide - with the staff's help.)

To refresh your memories, Sarah and Kris Everson wove a web of lies (how dramatic...) and told community leaders in their hometown that Sarah had given birth to sextuplets, all of them critically ill. Co-workers, not to mention the whole town, made donations to the couple's bank account, a PO box, and a website designed to take online payments.

Needless to say, when the time came for them to show proof, there "weren't none".

BTW, in a twist I didn't even remember reading about before, here's a quote:

Community leaders in Grain Valley said the Eversons came to them in March, claiming that Sarah Everson had delivered six critically ill babies and that they needed assistance. The couple claimed the births had been kept secret by a court order because a family member was out to kill them.

Ah yes...the conspiracy theory...the last refuge of the nincompoop.

Well, gee...if you post a website with pictures showing you and your husband, isn't there a chance that this murderous-minded relative is going to SEE your pictures and claims of multiple fetuses (or is it fetii?) And people call ME a dumbass? At least I know when to go into stealth mode.

Their punishment, according to the article, was this:

Sarah and Kris Everson were sentenced to four years on probation after their pleas to charges of felony stealing by deceit. They also must repay about $3,700 to their victims and perform 40 hours of community service.

Well, they didn't comment after the hearing, but later on, Mrs. Everson opened her big mouth again.

According to Mrs. Everson, they were kicked out of their apartment and were living in their truck. Furthermore, she was unemployed and he was working as a day laborer. Between the two of them, they pay restitution of about $100 a month, give or take.

(Can you hear the world's smallest violin playing "I'm Sorry"? Me neither.)

I'm sorry - I don't have a whit of sympathy for these hayseeds whatsoever. I mean, I can just imagine the brain trust planning this scam in the first place...

She: "Hey, baby, ya know, we could use some money."

He: "I know, but we're both workin'. What else are we s'post'a do?"

She: "Well, I dunno...all I know is that the price of Big Gulps have gone up, and all my Mickey Mouse t-shirts are wearin' out. What're we gonna do?"

He: "Well, we could take our minds off of it and make up a big mess of Mac & Cheese with Spam in it. I know ya like that."

She: "Dammit, take me seriously! Spam isn't gonna do it this time. We gotta have a plan. Help me think."

He: "Well, ever'body likes those things you paint on old barn could start doin' that again..."

She: (cartoon light bulb pops up over her head) "I got it!"

He: "Got whut?"

She: "Well, ever'body loves babies, right?"

He: " gonna paint babies on old barn boards?"

She: "Naw, ya listen ta me..."

And THUS, a shameless plan to suck money out of the good citizens of Grain Valley, MO was born. Of course, thinking it through (as in people expecting an end product when you say you're expecting) wasn't at the top of the planning list.

*****For those of you who read this entry, I had awarded an "Egg-Suckin' Dog" and "Butthead Award" to Annie Donnelly, who was arrested for embezzlement of (roughly) $4.5 million dollars to feed her gambling habit.

A faithful reader (Edward H.) pointed out that I was suffering from "pot calling the kettle black" syndrome, and I can't say he was wrong.

I was going for sensationalism, and forgetting my own past problems with the almighty dollar while sacrificing Ms. Donnelly's name.

That's wrong, I admit it, and I apologize. Therefore, the entry has been edited to remove the awards and snotty comments about Ms. Donnelly, and I will try to be more thoughtful about things of this nature.

Thanks again to Edward H. for pointing this out to me. Now...back to the party...

The final award for today...another "Huh?"

Today's recipient: Wal-Mart

Why? Never, in all my years of existence, did I think that I'd see Wal-Mart opening up its blue doors and rolling down prices in China.

Aren't business like ol' Wally-World supposed to be representatives of the "capitalist swine" mentality?

And BTW, take note of this, from the article:

Since July, employees at at least 16 other Wal-Marts in China also have formed unions, according to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the umbrella group for unions permitted by the communist government.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc., based in Bentonville, Ark., has fought efforts to form unions elsewhere in its worldwide operations. But it said this month it would cooperate with the ACFTU to organize its Chinese employees.

The move to increase party influence in foreign invested companies comes at a time when China is pushing to unionize employees at 60 percent of China's foreign companies.

Unions in China usually represent the workforce of a single company or outlet, rather than a whole industry. China does not allow independent labor organizations.

So riddle me this, Batman. Nothing against China or anything, but how come a union (of any kind) is allowed for the Wal-Mart stores in China, but nothing of the kind is allowed here in the states? I mean, can't you even get fired for talking about organizing a union on the work floor? anyone have information on where the nearest apocalypse shelter is?

Or should I just say, "Who cares?" and get some more dishwasher soap?

I are confused, but still damned adorable.
