Wednesday, July 05, 2006

wednesday has been canceled due to lack of interest. HA!

I'm sure I've used this pic before, but I really like it!

Sorry...but true.

Anyway, hope all of you had a happy 4th, and are able to get back to work with a relative sense of well-being.

So I only have two twisted headlines this morning...

Dawn Reveals Storm's Wicked Ways
(Wow - and I thought it was just a dishwashing liquid.)

Can Castration Be a Solution for Sex Offenders?
(Only if you let the victims' family members do it.)

See? Only two. It's not for lack of trying though...really, it's not. I am just trying to keep the goofy pics at a minimum as I'm "housecleaning", and I had to pick and choose. I'll conquer this beast if it's the last thing I do.

However, I did find this little gem on the 'Net. Click here to read the article without snarkiness from me...especially if you're serious. If you're not, here's my take on it - call it "Parent's Tip vs. Sudiegirl's Stunning Advice for the New Millenium".

Parent's Tip - Tick protection

Tue Jul 4, 8:00 PM ET

My family is planning a long camping trip this summer. What can I do to protect us against ticks?
- Hakeem

If you're heading out into the great outdoors, it's important to consider the threat of ticks, which can carry several diseases, including Lyme disease. Check your child each day for ticks - especially behind the neck and ears, in the groin area, and under the arms. Have your child wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, and remember to tuck pant legs into socks or shoes for extra protection. If your child has long hair, pull it back and tuck it into a cap. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends insect repellants with up to 10% DEET for protection against insect bites and stings in children older than 2 years.

Sudiegirl's advice?

DON'T GO OUTSIDE. It's as simple as that.

Come on - if you have to do all this checking of children for bugs that suck at their blood and essence of life, and dress them funny in 90-some degree weather AND read labels to see if your insect repellant has up to 10% DEET, that's too much work. Besides, your kids will pass out from the heat with the long sleeves and all that.

Second factor? You're going to embarrass your children for life making them tuck their pants into their socks. Yeah, they won't catch Lyme disease, but they'll be embarrassed beyond belief and you'll spend just as much money on therapy bills.

Yep - don't go outside. That's what I say. (And BTW, I am so totally NOT serious about this advice. Don't take me seriously. Really.)

Ah - I feel better having served the public in this way.

One more news tidbit: click here to read about a bear on a beer bender. No lie - somehow, a bear cub got into the back of someone's car and started eating their food and drinking their beer. Poor li'l he's going to have to go to 12-step meetings. How do you think they'd go in the forest? Perhaps something like this:

"Hi...(shuffles paws on ground) name is Boo-Boo and I'm an alcoholic and compulsive eater."

Other woodland addicts:

"I was doing so well - I had gotten out of that dysfunctional relationship with Yogi and was really starting to grow. But he called me, and the next thing you know I'm drinking generic beer in the back of some stranger's car." (BB starts to cry silently, his little body quivering with sadness...)

"Boo-Boo, I can relate to that statement. Sometimes, friends can be toxic. I love Thumper to death, but I just can't be around him anymore. First it was ice-skating with no training, and things just got worse."

"But Yogi PROMISED it wouldn't happen again!"

"I understand." (Pats Boo-Boo on back)

Snagglepuss (moderator for the group):
"Does anyone else want to share?"

Chip and Dale:
"We understand too, Boo-Boo. We wish that Beer Nuts had never been invented! They just make you crave BEER, even if you haven't had any."

"Did you call your sponsor once you were free to do so?"


"How did that go?"

"Woody Woodpecker changed his phone number on me." (Cries louder)

So you see, it's not as easy in the forest as you think.

Anyway, I'll be back when I'm inspired. Not sure when that will be, but you'll be the first to know!
