Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The official Fourth of July Post from Sudiegirl

Well, anyway, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!

Exactly five years ago today, I walked on Maryland soil for the first time. I remember when I was preparing to move - my parents, mother in law and I were in K-Mart, and Dad and I were at the checkout. I was shaky and nervous, and Dad put his hand on my arm and said, "Well, I'd give you some advice, but I've never done this before." Oh LORD, then the waterworks started up. Mom saw me crying and said something to the effect of, "Oh, God, John, what did you DO?"

Typical Dawsonian family moment.

Wow. Five years have come and gone since I first got here.

Since moving here, I've lost several jobs, one husband, two grandparents, one parent, one former parent-in-law, one former brother-in-law, and one cat.

However, I've gained many friends, I've had interesting performing opportunities, I have D in my life again as well as two future mother-in-laws, two future father-in-laws, many new siblings in law (and their kids), and I have two cats.

I've also developed a taste for lobster bisque and frozen custard.

I've learned to call soft drinks "sodas" instead of "pop".

I've driven on the Jersey Turnpike and the Capital Beltway (inner AND outer loops), and learned that it is illegal to pump your own gas in New Jersey. My drivers ed teacher would faint if he knew. I got a "D" in drivers ed, and was damn lucky to get that!

I've learned how to navigate the Metro and MARC train systems. Don't ask me about the buses...I spend a lot of time on "scenic routes" and that's all I'm going to say.

I've been to two caves, the National Zoo (and I haven't seen the panda yet), Arlington National Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean Vets Memorial, the Smithsonian (Natural History, American History, and Air & Space) museums, Union Station, and the National Aquarium in Baltimore. I've also been to the same mall where Ethel Kennedy made some famous returns at Bloomingdales. (Hey, you take what you can get some days.)

I've learned that job experiences (both temp and permanent) here can be quite interesting indeed.

Once I sent a package to Cokie Roberts (it was some piece of cut crystal from Georgetown Prep). Another time at Prep, I talked to Antonin Scalia's secretary. (Sometimes you only get to touch the hem of greatness, I guess...but what a hem!)

I talked to Tom Lehrer on the phone once, and I sent a gift to Daryl Hall (of Hall and Oates).

I got to see a photocopy of a check from Bob McGrath's checking account (as in "Sesame Street" Bob McGrath), and I talked to Billy Preston's manager and Marshall Crenshaw's manager as well as CeCe Winans' manager. (Granted, the "talking" consisted of me confirming addresses and saying "thank you", but DAMMIT, they're my own experiences!)

I was about 50 feet from Ted Kennedy once when he made a speech on the steps of the Department of Labor.

I think the best thing about being here, though, is I started blogging. I may have done it back home in Iowa, but then again, probably not. I would have been caught up in my own insecurities and been too scared to do it.

But I blog now, and I'm so glad I do. As a matter of fact, this month also marks the two year anniversary of this blog. I'd like to say thank you to the people that read every day, as well as the ones who drop by on their way to another blog.

I'd also like to thank the blogfriends I've made along the way (they're listed on the side, in my blogroll - please visit them) and let them know that they're thought of very lovingly, even if I don't visit as often as I should.

I know some of these bloggers very well, and others I know in a fleeting way. All of them have one thing in common...they're DAMN GOOD WRITERS. They're not afraid to write about what's on their minds, and their writing has inspired me to do more, both personally and professionally. Their blogs may be simple or complex in structure. They may write about politics, movies, or just spout off about crappy service at Safeway. But they're fearless.

I love that.

And that's what Independence Day is all about - fearlessness.

So to all who read blogs and write them (for whatever reason), stay fearless. That's what life is about.
