Monday morphings
Oil prices fall as Rice arrives in Mideast (You know what? Here's how I think it happened: she got off the plane and stared everyone down. That scared the bejeezus out of all the oil companies and those in control of prices. Ya gotta respect a woman with a good icy glare like that. Go Condi!)
New washers, dryers send messages to PCs (I'm sure that will really assist people who are having internet sex or trying to embezzle funds. Think about this scenario:
"Ah last I am a millionaire..."
*BEEP! Your lint filter is full. Please empty*
"AAAAHHHHH! The laundry alert cut off the connection to my company's funds! AAAHHHH!")Crusty the gator wins reprieve in Florida (A guy named "Crusty" hit on me once...maybe they're related?)
It seems as though the heat wave has broken for the most part. YAY! I was sick of not being able to breathe. Oh well...that's the price one pays for extensive aerosol use, I guess.
The rest of my weekend was relatively uneventful, but I do have one movie rental suggestion if you like gritty crime-dramas. This one is "Freedomland" with Samuel L. Jackson and Julianne Moore. It's set in New Jersey, and centers around a woman (Moore) who claims to be the victim of a carjacking. It turns into a race war as a housing development in Jersey is "closed off" by the police to search for the missing child. It's really quite good in my opinion - the script was written by Richard Price, based on his own book. Price is quite a powerful author, having written many other stories based on inner-city life. This one, in my opinion, is no exception. All the actors are very convincing in their roles, and the one that was almost too scary for words? Ron Eldard. Wow. He's gone from being a nice guy to scary, piercing-eyes bad guy. Anyway, rent this or watch it on pay-per-view/On Demand if you have it. It's quite good.
OK...more niceness from the Sudiegirl...In the "You Go Girl" department, Carol Burnett was recently honored for her contributions to American television.
Burnett has always been one of my favorite actress/comediennes. She just has such a deft touch with her characterizations. I was a devoted watcher of "The Carol Burnett Show" when I was a kid.
The whole family watched, actually, but my mom had a hard time with the "Eunice" sketches. I found out later that it reminded her too much of her youth, growing up with Grandma and Grandpa. But really, the Eunice sketches were the best ones in terms of showing Burnett's range as an actress.
I learned a lot more about Burnett from her memoirs. She had a very tough growing-up, but could find humor in many, many things. I admired her perseverance and finding room in her heart for others in spite of all she had been through herself.
So, at any rate, to one of my role models...YOU GO, GIRL!
Of course, you can't have the good without the bad, so without further adieu, I present the newest member of the "International League of Buttheads"...Today's recipient: identified only as Headmaster Meng (as opposed to Grandmaster Flash)
How does he qualify as a bona fide butthead? To quote the article:
A Chinese headmaster, who tried to buy off colleagues by cooking dog meat for them after secretly selling off trees around the school, ended up setting fire to classrooms when the meal burst into flames, a Chinese newspaper said Friday.
Double plus bonus: The local education bureau fined the headmaster 10,000 yuan ($1,252) and suggested he be fired, the newspaper said.
He should have been cooked with the dogs. What a butthead!
So with that, I shall be off, but back soon. Don't miss me too much!