Friday stuff
Why does a normally reasonable man lose his mind if the computer
Volunteer rates hit record numbers
(Well, that's not very nice!)
Mammoths may have had various hair colors
(Well, to paraphrase the L'Oreal slogan, "And they're worth it.")Microsoft said devises music player launch
(Uh...what? Syntax, anyone?)
Capuano fails in All-Star bid, beats Cubs
(You know, just cause you don't win a silly game doesn't mean you have to take it out on woodland creatures. Where's PETA!?)'s FRIDAY once again.
I'm OK with Friday. I'm glad it's here, but you know what? If you get all excited about every Friday that comes down the pike, doesn't it get old after a while? Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky. Oh well.
Not much going on in my life other than the computer at home. Our Internet connection is not working. It finally went down the tubes last night, and this brings me to my first concern of the day, which is this:
doesn't do what he needs in 1.2 nanoseconds?
I mean, come on!
In computer classes, I learned that this kind of behavior is known (in a psychological sense) as "learned impatience". It's some kind of phenomenon in which technology plays a big part.
In English, it means that since technology has created things that go faster, we humans become more impatient. I know I do - I curse the ATM's very existence and call its mother a toaster oven, BUT at least I know why I'm doing it.
Not so with D.
Every night, I hear at least one or more swear words uttered, as well as the words "This computer hates me and won't do what I want it to do."
In my mind, I work up this scenario: the two cats and the computer wait until we're gone, and then they rush around working up plots against us. Chelmsford is usually too nervous to do anything but lick his butt, so Millie has to do all the work.