Thursday, June 15, 2006

OK...I missed the "showdown" on Leno. So sue me...

Father’s Day will soon be upon us. Therefore, don’t be surprised if I choose the option of curling up like a boiled shrimp as opposed to blogging, simply because I don’t want to have another “Sudie’s depressed because her dad died” entry in the books. I think I’m as tired of those as you all probably are.

However, I do think fondly of one thing that centers around Father’s Day…it’s a Warner Bros. cartoon directed by Chuck Jones, where the three bears (short and angry Papa Bear, slouching and whining Mama Bear, and oversized, underbrained Junior Bear) are celebrating Father’s Day.

Actually, Papa Bear just wants to be left alone, but somehow Father’s Day keeps being thrust upon him. The cartoon ends with a poetry recitation by Junior Bear, then fireworks and dancing by Mother Bear and Junior Bear. Truly, this is classic Jones.

I think the best scene in it is when Papa Bear is packed into a smoking jacket and fez, then put into a rocking chair by the fire in the middle of summer. His line is “But I don’t WANT to enjoy a pipe by the fire, all warm and cozy.” (I’m not sure if that’s exact, but close enough.) The mother and son start to object, and Papa says, “I know, I know…FATHER’S DAY.” He says it like he’s being led to the guillotine and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it.

My heart weeps for this poor bear. Yea, verily, it weeps.

How many holidays are deemed “less than enjoyable” because the person being celebrated is contorted into what others wish them to be? Oh, lord, they’re LEGION.

OK, enough philosophizing…I didn’t watch Leno last night to see the “Thrilla in Burbank”. However, some others in blogland did…here’s a few:

Truth, For a Change
Pretzel's Place

The Deep Blue Journal
Profusion 123
Living Read Girl
The Dark and Moody Chicks
A Healthy Alternative to Work
November Spawned a Monster

I have only watched clips, but through the magic of, I have found the interview in its entirety, which you can watch here.

Jay Leno comes off as his usual wimpy self. I knew there was a reason I didn’t watch it anymore.

I would’ve rather watched Coulter on David Letterman, you know? Now THAT man doesn’t take any guff from anyone, even if she is a quasi-anorexic broad in a black cocktail dress.

I am going to go, but I’m bringing more fun back with me. Smooches!

(who is probably never going to be on Ann Coulter’s Christmas card list)