Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Turbulent Tuesday, and other twinklings (yeah, I know...give me a break)

Study: Mormon Crickets Invade to Survive
(OK...when did insects develop spiritual affiliations? And doesn't that limit their diet somewhat? Does that mean they can join the Tabernacle Choir? Does it scare you that I think of these things? It should...)

Scientists: Black Holes Energy-Efficient
(Yeah, but if you put solar panels inside, they'll never come back. And by the way, that's what we called some of the cheerleaders in my high school...coincidence? I think NOT!)

Official arrested for chewing gum at ceremony
(In a related report, two members of Parliament were suspended for making "cootie catchers" and sticking "Kick Me" signs on the back of the Prime Minister.)

Well, my little endives (is that the plural? Hope so, cause I’m too lazy to change it now)!

I’ve come up with some new slogans for Tuesdays…let me know what you think!

1. Tuesday – at least it ain’t Monday
2. Tuesday – for folks who want to redeem themselves after a bad start to the week (OK, that’s a little wordy)
3. Tuesday – good TV shows used to air on THIS day of the week (A bit insipid…sorry)
4. Tuesday – The only day of the week where “two-fers” sounds right.

And speaking of “letting me know what you think” (which I hope more of you will do), I got some rather – COLORFUL – answers to my etiquette dilemma from a week or two ago. In case you don’t remember (or are too lazy to look for the entry), the question was this: If a law-abiding woman is riding the DC Metro and sees a gent that has his fly half open, should she inform him of this wardrobe malfunction? If so, how? The responses I received from regular readers were pretty varied, and I’m also throwing in one of my own. So, in no particular order, the first in an intermittent series: “URBAN ETIQUETTE DILEMMAS AND YOU”.

1. From Neil: He prefers yelling “Hey, Buddy! Your fly is open!”
2. From Little Green Friend: If a woman is with a male traveling companion, have the male travel companion tell the open-fly guy.
3. From Jules: Zip it yourself
4. From Mike Ashley: Carry a Sharpie and a piece of heavy paper, and write down the open-fly guy’s “score”.
5. From Hoss: Yell insults (always a favorite).

What would my solution be? Well, since I’m working as an administrative assistant, I could do the following:

1. Fax the guy a note saying his fly was open
2. Plan a meeting, invite the guy, and tell him his fly is open.
3. Call the guy’s assistant and make an appointment to tell him his fly is open.
4. File a request to tell the guy his fly is open
5. Create a PowerPoint presentation (with audio and video files) to tell him his fly is open as well as an illustrated history of the modern zipper in today’s clothing industry
6. Create a spreadsheet with a pie chart regarding the percentage of open flies on the Metro in a typical week.
7. Create a Word document with a table of contents and footnotes explaining in detail the benefits and risks of an open fly on the DC Metro.

However, as a vocalist, I could also sing to him. I’m sure that wouldn’t be embarrassing. Much…

On a final note for this entry, the Rhode Island School of Design has created an exhibit featuring the artwork of Clement Hurd. His name may not mean much until you take a look at this picture…

yep, he illustrated Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny, among others.
I think this is cool, because children’s books can stay with you your whole life if you let them. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s part of what keeps you happy. I still have a few children’s books from my own childhood in my personal book-cases. They make me smile, even though they’ve been worn from many years of flipping through the pages.

And not to sound hokey, but having a little bit of your childhood stay with you as an adult gives you a little bit of freedom. You can look back and remember when life was a little happier, and you could pretend you were that small bunny saying goodnight to everything.

Goodnight, Moon!