Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday's Frippery

Fractured news headlines for today...

Bush Vows Better Hurricane Response
(Apparently, people were not satisfied with "Huh? What hurricane? Where?")

Economy Rebounds Smartly in 1st Quarter
(I wonder how something rebounds stupidly? Does it smack you in the head followed by a resounding "DUH"?)

Stock Futures Down After Microsoft Outlook
(OK...that's a sentence fragment! I'm sorry to pull a grammarian sneak attack, but that headline can leave a reader hanging. I mean, I could be sitting at my breakfast table reading this headline and become agitated, screaming "After Microsoft Outlook does WHAT????? DAMMIT!!!!" Then I'd choke on my Cheerios and you'd lose your favorite bipolar redheaded blogger to journalistic negligence. I could sue!)

I’m sorry I’ve been delinquent in the past couple of days. Hopefully, I’ll make up for my tardiness with some new posts and hijinks!

Well, first of all, yesterday was “Bring your Child to Work Day”. We had an 11-year old
girl, a 9-year old girl, a 5 year old girl, and a 15-month old girl. No boys in our area that I know about. It was kind of fun to see the kids coming through and learning about the different things that NOAA does. However, I could tell that I definitely had a different experience in my growing up days. I mean, my sister and I lived in a small town. My parents worked at the post office, plus their own business. We knew the basics about what they did, we knew everyone they worked with, and we saw them do what they do. Now, since I’m in a bigger city and there are so many sections and subsections of one company, it’s a lot more complicated. But this is one modern trend I hope will continue.

OK…now on to something that I was kind of aware of, but not as much as I think I should have been. It’s called the
Prism Awards. You can click on the highlighted text to go directly to the website. Anyway, they announced their 10th annual award winners, and the criteria for the award is this: "accurate depictions of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and addiction in entertainment content."

One of the
winners was “Saturday Night Live”. Back in the day, when they first started SNL, it was definitely a “dark horse”, and if they won an award of this nature back then, it would have DEFINITELY been earned by each and every cast member – more like a reality show than sketch comedy, you know?. The more I thought about it, the more it hit me that when you’re “funny”, it seems like you’re also “tortured” in one way or another. I know I use humor to ease the pain of situations, people call me “funny” or “hilarious”, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It just never fails to surprise me that so many comedians/comic actors fight demons of many kinds (not just drugs) and make us laugh at the same time. John Belushi, Lenny Bruce, Sam Kinison, Joan Rivers, Gilda Radner, Richard Pryor, etc. I guess in other words, if you’re well adjusted, you’re not funny? Maybe so. But that’s OK. What is “well-adjusted”, anyway? Sounds like an auto repair term – “Well, we tightened your bolts, changed your fluids, and rotated your tires. You should be well adjusted by now.”

Another brief note…I’ve downloaded a lot of Jerry Reed tunes, and he is also one funny man. He’s a hell of a guitar player too (Chet Atkins was his mentor), and I’m going to throw out a very unusual challenge here. My challenge is: if you like rap, listen to some of Jerry’s old tunes, like “When You’re Hot, You’re Hot” or “Tupelo Mississippi Flash”. He’s basically a country/western rapper in those tunes: he’s following vices, he’s getting arrested, etc. Gotta give that man his street cred, you know what I’m sayin’? Word…

Well, that’s all I got…but I’m sure I’ll get more. Catch ya on the flip side…