Friday fussing and some noteworthiness...
It’s the end of another lovely week here in the DC area.
And I can’t breathe out of one side of my nose. Yes, I caught the crud AGAIN. I’m better than I was, which wasn’t great to begin with.
Yay me.
It’s been an OK week overall…just trying to take care of business regarding my jeep so I can get it insured and inspected and all that happy horsepucky.
My niece will be starting voice lessons soon, and she LOVES her guitar lessons. However, she’s still trying to figure out both her mother and I as far as our taste in men is concerned.
The subject came up when Courtney had her guitar lesson last night…I guess my sis thinks the guitar teacher is nice looking as well as a good player. Courtney didn’t get why her mom thought the guitar teacher was “hott” (and by the way, I guess that’s how you spell the word in junior high, with two “t”s. Go figure…we used “foxx” back in the day from what I remember.)
I advised Miss Jr. High Thing that someone’s tastes for a “significant other” (or whatever you call it) can be as unique as your fingerprint. Some people go solely for looks, and others look at a combination of factors…musical talent, mutual interests, good personality (which is the kiss of death sometimes when the term is used in a deceptive manner, like when you’re trying to set a friend up with someone who’s not a supermodel), intelligence (or lack thereof), looks, etc. In other words, what one person looks for is not the same as what someone ELSE looks for, and your tastes change as you grow older.
I don’t think I made a dent, but you can’t blame a girl for trying. I do remember my quest for the “totally gorgeous foxx” throughout my junior high and high school days. It was pretty ugly at times, I must admit.
If I could go back in time, I would find me and bitch-slap me as well, saying, “You know what? It doesn’t matter…you’re going to be twice-divorced by the time you’re 35 anyway so get a clue. Sex is not the be-all and end-all that everyone makes it out to be. Many times, it’s more of a disappointment than a thrill, and if it IS a thrill, you’d better be wary because it might lead to bad ends.”
But I also know what the “young Sudiegirl” response would be.
“Leave me alone, you freak! I know you’re not me because I wouldn’t get THAT fat…would I?”
Ah, youth is truly wasted on the young.
So anyway, here’s some other interesting developments from around the globe and stuff…
In the “Don’t Shoot the Minister” department, the wife of the Tennessee minister is being held in custody for the slaying of her husband. I know you all are used to me making light of things, but I’m not going to this time. Being a minister’s wife or child is filled with pressures, with everyone watching your every move and listening to everything you say. Human beings are kind of twisted that way; we seem to have an unwavering desire to want to see someone screw up that’s in a position of authority. I really feel badly for her, though. Whether she did it or not, she’s going to have to live with that stigma, and explain what happened to her children at some point. I wouldn’t want that job, would you?
Next, from the “Can’t the jerk just stay in a Motel 6 and call it good?” department, the good folks at have somehow found out Dick Cheney’s requirements for his hotel room. Really, it seems pretty reasonable, but I’m just wondering where he puts the firearms and hookers. I’m just askin’…it’s my bloggeristic (instead of journalistic) responsibility to find out these things. Plus the fact that I’m just a nosy broad enters into it just a smidge. I really enjoy looking at the requirements of celebrities when they stay in a hotel and/or do the personal appearance thing. It makes me wonder what I would do in their position? I think I would demand the following:
1. Chubby Hubby ice cream (for me only)
2. Sterzing’s Potato Chips (for me only)
3. Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Chris Lawford (for me only)
4. The rest of my entourage will just have to fend for themselves because I’ll be too damned busy with the first three items.
Moving onward, in the “Dubious scientific discoveries” department, a study originating from Connecticut states that left-handed snails have an advantage against predators. My question is…when did snails start to grow hands? In MY day, they only had a big, slimy foot that left a trail in its wake. You folks have to start telling me this stuff! I mean, I’m not going to be able to sleep at night because of this, and therefore, I’ll have to drink booze and stuff my face in order to get a good night’s sleep. Don’t leave a girl hanging like this, OK?
And finally, from the “Pot Calling the Kettle Black” department, Moammar Khadafi (or however you spell his name – I think there are twelve variations on it) decided to tell our government about how democracy is supposed to work. He further stated that his government in Libya was the one true democracy. Uh-huh. I think a whole lecture series should be borne from this featuring folks like Ted Kennedy on “Fidelity in the Modern Catholic Marriage”, Paris Hilton on “How to Keep a Low Profile”, and Simon Cowell on “How to Make Friends and Give Constructive Criticism to Aspiring Singers”. My God…can’t people shut up once in a while? Then again, if they did, I would have to write entries on how quickly grass grows.
So anyway, chew on that, you folks…talk later!
(who of course, does everything right the first time – NOT!!!!!)