From the "And they lived insanely ever after..." files and Yahoo! News

Sudiegirl sez: Is it just me or are there lots of weird news items on the 'Net today? I admire the absolute nerve of this woman to do what she did in a weird twisted that wrong? After all, isn't she living out many a little girl's fantasy? Read along, with the usual snotty comments enclosed.
Woman posed as princess, pleads guilty to fraud
By Jeanne King 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York woman who posed in high-society circles as a Saudi princess pleaded guilty on Tuesday to grand larceny and insurance fraud and was ordered to a mental hospital. (Hmmm...there's a thought...JUST KIDDING!)
Antoinette Millard, 42, used a special credit card to spend nearly $1 million during a three-month shopping spree. She also bilked an insurance company of more than a quarter of a million dollars. (Wow...what a chunk of change.)
As part of her plea deal, Millard will spend one year at an in-patient psychiatric facility where she will receive intensive psychiatric treatment. (I'd say so. I mean, you can only play pretend so long, and then the credit card company wants real money. They don't take Monopoly money; I've tried.)
"If you woefully fail to abide by the treatment, you'll get a year in jail," Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Renee White told Millard. (I like the qualifier "woefully". That's very poetic.)
At high-society events with celebrities and socialites, Millard introduced herself as "Princess Antoinette" and said she was also a former Victoria's Secret model. (Well, obviously people believed's not like she looked like "Broom Hilda" and was making all these claims.)
In reality, Millard was a former vice president of the investment banking firm of Brown Brothers Harriman. (What was wrong with that profession, besides the fact that you don't have a coronation ceremony?) She scammed Chubb Insurance Co. in 2003, claiming $262,000 worth of jewelry she was carrying was stolen when she was mugged on Madison Avenue in New York City. (What was she carrying it in? Then again, it could have been one or two expensive pieces.) She also spent $950,000 using a no-limit "Centurion" card sent to her by American Express. (How'd she hook up with THAT???)
American Express sued her for the money, but she countersued saying she was mentally incompetent when she opened the account and the company should have known it. (How should they have known it? What, do they have little fiberoptic cameras installed in each month's statement envelope?)
Prosecutors said the credit card issue had been resolved. (And thus, the subject was dropped faster than Jennifer Lopez' second husband.)
After her arrest, she blamed her predicament on traumatic events in her life including being sexually harassed at work, and witnessing "people jumping out of the Twin Towers" while on her way to work on Sept. 11, 2001. (What, the "Santa Clause and Easter Bunny" arguments didn't work?)
Sudiegirl's final opinion?
Ah...a new role model for me at last! (Again, just kidding...)