And now, from "Your cousin Irving is a doctor...why did you even BOTHER going to college?" department and Yahoo! News...
Strip Club Owner Raises Ire With New Sign (Something tells me that's not the only thing he raised...)
Sat Aug 6, 7:05 AM ET
LOS ANGELES - For years, Howard White has advertised his strip club near Los Angeles International Airport with a not too subtle marquee reading "Live Nude Nude Nudes." (What...he's trying to differentiate? Like, "Our nudes are nuder than your nudes?" That's like saying, "Hello, Department of Redundancy Department.")
But some tourists and nearby businesses say White has gone too far with his latest pitch for the Century Lounge: a freshly posted sign proclaiming "Vaginas R' Us." (Well, consumers do demand truth in advertising...this guy is only trying to please the masses.)
"We don't appreciate the signage and we're working with the city to make sure this establishment is adhering to all codes," said Laurie Hughes, executive director of Gateway to L.A., an association that promotes businesses along Century Boulevard just east of the airport. (OK, time for "Antics with Semantics" again. The problem I have with Ms. Hughes' choice of word - meaning "appreciate" instead of "like", is that to me, "appreciate" connotates a slightly different meaning. For example, I "appreciate" opera as an art form because of its place in music history. However, that does not necessarily mean I "like" it. "Appreciate", to me, is a wimpy, PC choice, meaning something completely different than "like". I mean, you could read that sentence and think Ms. Hughes is actually despairing because they don't appreciate the signage, therefore spinning it in a different direction. Why not just tell it like it is? YOU DON'T LIKE IT! )
White, who posted the new sign Tuesday, says he's simply advertising his business.
"In a sort of a naive way, I felt that there was nothing terrible about it since the 'Vagina Monologues' was on Broadway forever," White said. "I didn't feel there was anything terrible about it." (See? Mr. White is merely supporting the arts in his own unique way, and he used the clinical terminology as opposed to a shorter, monosyllabic word that starts with "c" or "t".)
Los Angeles city officials say White's sign doesn't break the law. (You know why? Because of the nude swimmers in San Francisco! Just kidding, I don't know either.)
"The word 'vagina' is not an obscene word and we're not in a position to question the First Amendment," said City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, whose district includes the airport area.
But the business association is pursuing another avenue of attack. It contacted the retailer Toys R Us, which aggressively defends its trademark name. (Yeah, but aren't they having some kind of business trouble or something? I thought I read about that a while back but I could be mistaken and/or slightly delusional. If anyone knows...please let me know to so I can update accordingly.)
Toys R Us spokeswoman Susan McLaughlin said the company knows about White's sign and will be "looking into it immediately." (I'll know they'll have to look inside too to see if there's any signage as well, and next thing you know, Geoffrey's gettin' a lap dance.)
In the meantime, White will have to take his sign down — temporarily. (Bummer...maybe he could redo it in Esperanto or Pig Latin?)
The new sign, which is pasted over a portion of the original marquee, is made of combustible plastic vinyl that violates the municipal code. White was served with a citation Thursday, and has until the close of business Sunday to replace the sign, said David Keim, the city's chief of code enforcement. (As Roseanne Rosannadanna said, "It's always somethin'." I think these folks are out to get him!)
Information from: Daily Breeze,
Sudiegirl's final word?
You should see me rolling my eyes again. Of all the things in the world to argue about! Here are a few contributions of my own...take note, Mr. White:
**The Wonderful World of Cooter Clams
**Pussies Galore (maybe you can get a tie in with an LA-based cat rescue group)
**Tongue Sushi Bar
**Bill Clinton's Place
and my personal favorite
Sudiegirl the innovator
P.S. If any feminists reading this are offended...write your own blog. :-)