And now, from the "Grampa was a nudist" files and Yahoo! News...

Sudiegirl sez: the photo on the left is Danny Devito in "Big Fish", and I had a hard time finding that! Anyway, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that just 'cause you and a significant other wants to see you naked doesn't mean everyone does. Read on, MacDuff!
Ill. Nudist to Be Buried Fully Clothed
Tue Aug 2, 4:08 PM ET
PEKIN, Illinois - Even in death, Robert Norton's nakedness is a no-no. Norton, 82, spent four decades in and out of court fighting repeated arrests for gardening and wandering his yard in the nude. (Definitely a "NIMBY" issue...meaning "Not in my backyard".)
He said he wanted to be buried without any clothes, but his family is sending him to eternity wearing gray slacks and a matching shirt. (Well, couldn't they have buried him in a nude colored body stocking? Just wonderin'.)
"He's not going to be buried in the nude," said his brother, Jack Norton, a minister. (Yeah, that would be hard to explain at the church's annual pledge drive. Can't say as I blame him!)
Robert Norton's family said they hope to lay the years of controversy to rest Thursday when the World War II veteran is buried. Norton, who died Monday, had fought 20 indecency arrests since 1962, arguing that he had a constitutional right to public nakedness. (Well, technically, every American has a right to "bare arms", but nothing is said about the giblets.)
Relatives say Norton suffered emotional problems after serving in the Army Air Forces during World War II. Prosecutors counter that he was just stubborn. (Gee, couldn't it be both?)
"He was a naturist, and he just chose to be in the nude as people who are seeking nature. He was a peace-loving person," said his brother, Duane Norton. (Well, that's fine and dandy, but you do have to consider other people whether you like it or not! Not everyone wants to see the weiner and beans, you know what I mean? I consider it a public service that I keep my clothes on, ya know? I'm sure many others do too...)
Brenda Loete, who lived next door to Norton for a dozen years before he moved into a nursing home, said she never spoke to her exhibitionist neighbor. (That's interesting!)
"We didn't really know him. We just had him arrested," Loete said. (I love that quote! I think I'll use it more often!) "Normally, if we had him arrested in the spring he'd be gone for the summer and we wouldn't have to worry about him until the next spring."(So it's kind of like Groundhog Day...if he comes out and he has no clothes on, it's six more weeks of winter? Beats the hell out of me!)
Sudiegirl's final opinion?
Old folks running around naked doesn't do much for me, especially remembering the few times I accidentally saw my grandmother in the buff. As Jeff Foxworthy would describe it, "It was like a bassett hound with a shower cap." NOT for the faint of heart.
Cover the giblets, folks! And that's all I have to say about that.