Monday, May 30, 2005

Random thoughts on Memorial Day

I'm not really awake today y'all, but hey, that's life in the big city. I'm going to attempt to entertain you as well as make you laugh, cry, or re-set your browser to anything but ME and what I have to say. So here we go, folks...

1. Since it's Memorial Day, here are some people I'd like to remember...Ossie Davis, Ray Charles, my cousin Michael Johnson, my Grandma DuVall, my Grandma and Grandpa Dawson, plus all folks (male and female) who did what they thought was right during our nation's many skirmishes, both World and not world (if that makes sense). I'd also like to remember my old geography teacher from 7th grade (Al Fritz)...he really tried to make things come alive for us as far as history and geography were concerned. He had taken many pictures and slides of his trips to Europe, especially when he toured the concentration camps. He openly admitted that he cried at the sight of the places where mass killings of innocent people occurred. Brave man, Mr. Fritz was. I wish I had appreciated him more back then, but at least I joined A/V Club. He was the advisor, and I learned how to splice film and run film projectors. Whether I could now remains to be seen...but anyway, Mr. Fritz really loved teaching and even though it's a delayed reaction, I am so grateful to him for that.

2. Is it just me, or does anyone else wish this war in Iraq would be over, for whatever reason? I mean, it seems like we're just stuck in a rut. If we could just bring our folks home (however long it takes), I think it would improve our country's morale and earn ol' "W" some brownie points even though he's in his last term. I'm not trying to step on toes or anything. I mean, I know what it's like to wait for someone to come home from war (my first husband was in a medical unit) and to see them a changed person, no matter how much they say they're not. But shouldn't war be as short as possible, to both conserve resources and keep the public happy? I don't know...I'm just a short, fat broad sitting around in my livingroom on a Monday morning writing about it. I'm not in the trenches like others are...maybe I'm off base. Could you let me know, fair readers?

3. Update on Cookie Monster's diet...or opinions on it, more specifically...Kevin Clash (the voice of Elmo) says that Sesame Street's writers and producers are on the mark regarding changing Cookie's diet. I hope he didn't read what Chip A. Hoy had to say about Elmo...that would be bad. Jinkies! Let's just hope that Barney has curbed his appetite for thong underwear and margaritas...or maybe not...anything for publicity, right? Thbpbpthpt!

4. I think I've run out of things to say. Go NATS! (ok shameless plug for our local baseball team) Have a good holiday and write to me. I LOVE getting mail!

Sudiegirl the ponderous, but still lovable...