Monday, December 13, 2004

A quick explanation of the BLOG entry re: first times

OK, is Sudiegirl an exhibitionist? An unmitigated attention-seeker? Someone who doesn't keep her damned mouth shut?

Not necessarily.

Most of the people that read this are friends, family, or people who want to count the swear words in my entries. However, when I put together this particular entry I'm referencing, I was just trying to figure out why in GOD'S name these milestones were important enough to me to be looming in my memory in such detail. Thankfully, there's several folks who have been left out of this, and I'm good with that as I'm sure they are. Maybe it should have been private...I don't know, but I know that I put it there in cyberspace and now it's there for all eternity until I take it off the BLOG, unless people who wish to blackmail me had the good sense to print that entry and then send it to the National Enquirer. Again, enterprising thought, and kudos to you forward thinking folks.

If I have offended anyone, it was truly not my intention and I apologize profusely. That is, unless I don't like you, and if that's the case, then kiss my imperial ass.

Have a great day.

Sudiegirl the slightly apologetic.