Monday, August 09, 2004

My weekend

Well, it went like this, kind of...

Saturday was kind of a bust...D and I went to a party that he was invited to by one of the guys from his Barbershop choir. (I should have taken that as a sign, but the last Barbershop party was really good...esp. the wine...ANYWAY) This was a general music "jam" get-together called "Music On the Back Porch". Well, first of all, the host of the party (self-satisfied M.F. in my opinion) was organizing a barbershop quartet to sing, and totally blew Doug and a couple of other leads off for this one guy who sounded like all his voice came out of this nose. I was not impressed. Anyway, we survived him being the lead of this impromptu quartet.

Then, the guy comes back again accordion.

Yes, you read it right.

I would never have gone willingly to a party with an ACCORDION present, you KNOW this about the nasal singer starts his portion of the show with...a hymn. Not just any old happy hymn, NO..."It Is Well With My Soul" which I have always associated with being in the direst pits of Hell and as a song of hope, not a song to sing at a PARTY!!!! Anyway, he sang all the verses, and he tried to do this suspended chord at the end (something I don't think an accordion was manufactured to do) and it sounded like a cat being run through a lawnmower backwards.

SO, you think it can't get any worse? WRONG! The next number he pulls out of his ass is from 1928, and it's a lovely little racist song called "Nagasaki" about how all the men chew tobacco and all the women are prostitutes. The chorus goes, "Back in Nagasaki where the men all chew tobaccy and the women wicky wacky woo..." I have never wicky wacky woo'd in my life and I doubt anyone in Japan had either. We could only sit through the first verse, and then we left promptly. So that was Saturday...

Yesterday was the wedding dance in Arlington at the Army Navy County Club. I sang with the Swing Time Big Band (web

That went well, and was a fun time to boot because the crowd was a really lively one.

I'm sorry, but I did happen to notice a good looking gentleman from Costa Rica with a nice rear because he would come out for all the Latin dance numbers and...let's just say I had to go get some fresh air. His ass was like two nice round softballs...the piano player asked if they were slow or fast pitch, and I told him "Slow" with a nice grin on my face. Anyway, I did harass Mr. Nice Hiney a little bit musically, but I also got to dance with him. Oh my. My heart was all a-flutter, and I even had to have a cigarette. Before he left, he sidled up to me and said, "I don't have to leave right away, you know..." but his wife was next to him and I said, "Yeah, you do...go home and have fun." Besides, as they say, "why settle for a hamburger when you have steak at home?"

Most everyone there had a sense of rhythm, which is really unusual for white people. I danced with a few other gents (some older, some younger and not too bad looking at all...sigh...) and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I love D., but I don't know what it is about me...all the important men in my life don't dance. Why is that? AAAGGGHHH! My dad is the only important man in my life that dances, I think...

We got paid too as well as fed, so all in all it was a successful evening. I rode home with the bass player and we caught up on what we've each been up to this summer, so life is good.

I will try to insert interesting things as well as my own original views on life...write back and tell me if I'm full of it or not.

Love to all,