Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Tuesday, and a comment on Teresa Heinz Kerry

I normally don't get political, but what the heck, I started with my own list of potential cartoon characters as candidates (and I'd like to add Yosemite Sam to the list as VP if we are going to go on with the whole swearing thing...Fudd and Sam on the same ticket...could be worthwhile!)

Teresa Heinz Kerry did something that I've always wanted to do...tell a total stranger that was pissing me off to shove it.  I think I'm stating the obvious that I'm speaking for lots of people that feel the same...however, would us everyday Janes be able to get away with it in real life?  I mean, she's an HEIRESS, first and foremost, and therefore has the cushion of cash to say what she wants, when she wants, to whomever she darn well pleases.  I'm not saying the "shove it" was not deserved by reporters, but you know if I said it to someone (at the doctor's office, at the bank, whatever) and others would be within hearing distance, I'd be classified as a "mouthy broad".  Not a badge of honor for everyone, although I'd be OK with it. 

I guess the bigger picture here is where it's going to end...if she's the First Lady, she can't tell everyone she wants to "shove it", or even "Your mother wears army boots."  Well, maybe can't isn't the word...more like shouldn't.  Hillary Rodham Clinton isn't my favorite person in the world--she's OK, but reminds me of a girl I went to high school with who was an overachiever to the utmost maximum--but she always carried herself with taste and tact.  I never heard her tell anyone to shove it, no matter how badly she wanted to (especially with Monicagate).  I am the worst example of how to be "ladylike", but there are certain times when "shove it" is definitely appropriate, but other times when it's not.  I don't know why I'm even concerned about it, but I guess it's just like Cheney telling somebody to go "f*** themselves".  You know, when you're conducting business, that just ain't done no matter how good it makes you feel afterwards.  But what do I know?  I'm just a chick, musing...

Till later, then...
