Thursday, September 28, 2006

Some folks think I should do this...

Some people think I should just close Rancho Sudiegirl, Inc.

But I won't.

As my dad said, "They can kill ya, but they can't eat ya." (However, I did watch an HBO special about cannibals last night, and that's not entirely true. But score one for Dad for trying...)

I'll be here. I'll be giving awards. I'll be writing about how glad I am to be on the East Coast and how much I don't miss my tiny hometown. I'll still write about Chubby Hubby and George Clooney and the joy of naps. I'll write about four pound cans of tuna. I'll write about the things I love, the things I hate, and all points in between. I'll write about how much I miss my family and what super people my nieces and nephew are turning into. I'll write about singing and old folks homes and any damned thing I want.

Too bad if you don't like it. If you do like it, I'm happy that you're reading. If you use what I say to hurt other people, you're a schmuck and you should be happy that nobody punched you out ten years ago.

But as the Sondheim song goes, "I'm Still Here".

Life's like that sometimes.