Last minute thingies

Bonjour, mon petite lupins!
Anyway, enough of trying to sound cool after god knows how many years of French class…
This is just a check list of things I wanted to put on the blog before I toddle off to bed. Bear with me…
- I LIKE GWYNETH PALTROW! You know, I never really thought about her either way (although after I saw “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”, I was wondering why she didn’t get a new agent – and isn’t it ironic that ol’ Brad’s past and future flames made a film together without knowing the future that was to come?) but before I read her article about giving advice to him, I was ready to pound her into the ground in my inimitable fashion. Not so, folks! This woman has it together! I’m really impressed with her viewpoint that a marriage should be private, PERIOD. I agree to an extent. I may extol the virtues of D on this blog b/c I love him, and sometimes voice my frustration at what he does, but somehow I think the circulation of this blog does not necessarily rival People, Vanity Fair or (gasp) The Enquirer. So, really, she’s on to something! Celebrities are in the spotlight, but want their privacy, and try to ask for it as tactfully as possible. Way to go, Gwynnie. Now about that baby’s name…
- Check out this really funny blog and pray to yourself: “Please don’t let my coworkers vent this way about ME!” The blog’s name is Idiots and the Disgusting Girl I Work With…the web address is Many thanks to my good buddy Jewels in TX for sending the link. I laughed so hard I thought I’d die.
- I assume you know by now about the whole “pregnant lady on the Dutch version of ‘Big Brother’” thing. I think, personally, that more reality shows should jump on this band wagon, and tomorrow I will flesh out this idea in an entry. Wonder if FOX will be reading this?
- I gotta shave my legs.
- That’s it…
I really do appreciate people coming to visit, and I will try to visit more of your blogs…give me time…I’m trying to balance my life out but it’s getting there. Have a GREAT day/evening (depending on your time zone) and COMMENT, darn it! It’s frustrating having most of the comments I read being my own…it’s a sad life…I’m so unloved…OH SHUT UP SUDIEGIRL!