And now, from the "Rolling Stoned" files and Yahoo! News...

Sudiegirl sez: I'm a Stones fan as much as anyone, so reading this story really didn't surprise me, but that doesn't mean I won't give it the usual treatment! So without further ado...and, BTW, that was a lousy thing to do to set Mick up like that! Not nice at all.
Records Detail Jagger's 1969 Drug Claim
53 minutes ago
LONDON - Today, he's respectable Sir Mick. (OK, is anyone else out there still surprised about that? I mean, it's a complete 180-degree turn from where he started.)
But 35 years ago Mick Jagger was a rock rebel who could rattle the authorities. Newly released police files show that in 1969, police considered Jagger an "intelligent young man" who lived on the fringe and consorted with "the dregs of society." (You know, that's not a nice thing to say about Keith!)
The records, declassified by the National Archives, detail Jagger's claim that detectives planted drugs on him during a raid on his London apartment in 1969. (Now things are getting interesting...)
The Rolling Stones singer was fined 200 pounds (about US$500 at the time) for possession of cannabis after the raid on his Chelsea home. (Do Brits try to claim that cannabis is actually oregano like they do here in the US? And what do Italians do, since oregano is indigenous to their country?)
The Metropolitan Police launched an investigation into Jagger's claim that a drug squad officer, Detective Sgt. Robin Constable, had tried to plant white powder inside a box in the house. (Jeez, and people wonder why lots of cops can't be trusted? Not cool...)
"I think he put the box down and opened the folded paper. He said 'Ah, ah,' we won't have to look much further,'" Jagger said in a statement to police. (He was a lot more dignified than I would have been.)
"As I got to him he showed me the paper and I saw it contained some white powder. I said 'You bastard, you planted me with heroin.'" ("No, no, it's just powdered sugar from my donut.")
Jagger claimed Constable then said "Don't worry, Mick, we can sort it all out."
"He twice asked me how much it was worth. He then said 'a thousand,' but I never replied," Jagger said. (What weirdness this is? Was he looking for a payoff?)
Scotland Yard launched an investigation, interviewing supporters of Jagger who ranged from a lawyer and a member of Parliament to minor drug dealers. (OK, I get the lawyer and Parliament member as character witnesses, but drug dealers? What are they going to say that's trustworthy? Please...)
"The private persons interviewed during the course of this investigation represent extreme ends of the scale. At one end are public figures whilst at the other are the dregs of society," noted Commander Robert Huntley, who oversaw the inquiry. (Geez, wonder what he'd think of me? Overweight, bipolar redhead...yeah, things are lookin' good...)
The investigation concluded that there was no "substantial corroborative evidence" for Jagger's claim against the "hardworking and competent police officer" Constable. (Yeah, whatever...)
"Michael Jagger is an intelligent young man, and doubtless is on the fringe, if not embroiled in the world of users of dangerous drugs," said Detective Chief Inspector William Wilson, one of the investigators. (So he was different from practically everyone else in the late '60's HOW?)
The case was referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions, who concluded that no action should be taken against the police. (Ripoff!)
Sudiegirl's final opinion?
Somethin' stinks, and it's not my feet. CSI would know how to solve this!