Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Oh, yeah...he's rational...NOT!

"Hang on to me, Katie...the mother ship is about to beam us up."

(Sudiegirl's disclaimer: I apologize if I offend those who do believe in aliens, but come on...if they exist, do you really think they'd wanna come here? The concept of microwave burritos alone would be enough to scare me off. I would apologize to the rational Scientologists - all 8 of them - but I think they've converted to Unitarianism by now so we're stuck with him representing the rest. Snotty comments, as usual, in italics.)

Tom Cruise says he believes in aliens
(Well, I believe in you believe in fondue too?)

Wed Jun 29, 9:10 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - Hollywood actor Tom Cruise not only battles creatures from outer space in his latest film "War of the Worlds," he also believes aliens really exist, he told a German newspaper Wednesday. (OK, it's bad enough that he believes this within US borders...he has to go tell the GERMANS?! They have enough problems on their hands just keeping the drunk Germans from driving bulldozers through the streets. Now the Germans are going to get drunk, see little green men and chase them with bulldozers because Tom Cruise says they exist.)

Asked in an interview with the tabloid daily Bild (A tabloid, no less...batting a thousand, there, Tom...)if he believed in aliens, Cruise said: "Yes, of course. Are you really so arrogant as to believe we are alone in this universe?" (Hell yes! Thank you very much! Humans are annoying...why in god's name would anything else need to know we're here, and vice versa?)

"Millions of stars, and we're supposed to be the only living creatures? No, there are many things out there, we just don't know," Cruise, 42, said in the interview published in German. (BTW, does anyone know whether ol' Tommy Boy speaks German or can read it? If not, tell him dumbkopf means "extraordinarily smart man with penchant for younger women." He'll never know the difference.)

Cruise's film "War of the Worlds" is based on British writer H.G. Wells' 1898 story of the invasion of Earth by Martians. (You know, I'd be OK with Martians invading if they'd just take Mr. Cruise with them. Oh, and all the Kennedys except Caroline. And Madonna. And the guy who played Screech on "Saved by the Bell". And whoever the dumbkopf is that still draws the comic strip "Nancy". Hey, I'd better make a list...that's for the next entry.)

Sudiegirl's final opinion?

Tom Cruise is a fungus, and he must be eradicated immediately. And has anyone slipped Ms. Holmes the phone numbers of his two previous wives? I think she needs a reality check, don't you? Better a reality check now than a support group later.

Ja, Bestimmt! (whatever the spelling is, I forget)

Fraulein Sudiegirl