Christmas Miracles Do Happen
Well, gentle readers, I believe in cliches.
I heard from an old friend/former boyfriend of mine today...I wrote him a letter this summer after I'd heard that he was starting up with a psychiatric practice in Wisconsin as a full-fledged DOC! So yes, I heard from an old friend and it was not in the form of a cease and desist order, a restraining order, a subpoena or other negative legal stuff. He sent a picture, and he actually looks happy, healthy and comfortable with who he is/what he's doing.
I am so happy for him.
Another part of my youth has been reclaimed as well, and I did it without drugs or plastic surgery. Miracles do happen at Christmas.
Sudiegirl the positively glowing
P.S. Happy Holidays to all my readers...all 8 of them. One Christmas present you could give me is MORE feedback. If you read something on here that moves you, pisses you off, tickles your funny bone or reminds you to run to the store for eggs, milk and toilet paper, tell me about it. I am not working in a vacuum here, I don't think. (Unless there's something you aren't telling me...)