Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I got a job, I got a job

Howdy y'all...Sudiegirl is going to start a job with the National Association of Music Educators on Tuesday of next week!

I'm psyched! As you all know, I love music, and I know how to do the admin/clerical thing, so as long as I can learn how to do things their way, I'll be "in like a dirty shirt", as they say on "Dumb and Dumber".

It's going to be scary, but I will be happy. I'll be proving myself for the probationary period, and it'll be hard, but I think I can do it. My new boss is a pretty spit and polish kind of guy, but I think I can work with him. Everyone else on the floor seems nice too, so we'll just see what happens. Gotta take it day by day.

Well, sorry I'm not satiric or biting today, but I'm just too damned happy! I'll come back with something later, I'm sure. Have faith that the sarcasm will come back to...
