Thursday, July 07, 2005

Prescriptions for change

Good day, all you worshipers of all that is Sudiegirl...all 5 of you...

If you click on the title of today's blog entry, you will be magically whisked away to a land that talks about legislation for prescription drugs. This site is definitely interesting, but you'll need to check out the cartoon with a catchy ditty written by the Austin Lounge Lizards (writers/performers of such should-be-classics as "Hey Little Minivan", "Jesus Loves Me but He Can't Stand You", and "Leonard Cohen's Day Job") called "The Drugs I Need". It's bluegrass, but trust me when I say it rocks the house!

Also, a new friend has been made...please go visit She also rocks the house, so please enjoy yourself, won't you?

Well, what is going on in the world of Sudiegirl? Dad's still holding his own in the hospital...he's on 40% oxygen now instead of 100% (which is good, I guess) and I guess it's a requirement for visitors to put on gloves, masks and gowns to stay germ free since he's so vulnerable. I guess, then, it'd be kind of pointless to hire a stripper if they have to keep it all on and the shock alone would probably send all his monitors into smoke and flames. Not that I would DO that, for I am moral and upstanding...just ask my parole officer (by the way, that last statement was a JOKE, for those inclined to take me seriously. No parole for this chick, or probation either.)

Well, I'd better go...
